Achievement guide and discussion

We’ve started our own windows spotlight challenge in this thread.
Just set up your computer to start up with windows spotlight every morning. (Or just google) You’ll be presented with stunning pictures of nature.
Then go hunt for them in FS. Lot of fun to do
Hope you’ll join :slightly_smiling_face:

For the Saddle Sore achievement, I got it by pausing the sim (escape key) for 8 hours whilst flying the TBM…

Jack of all planes is possibly bugged for me at the moment have completed4 flights successfully 2 using

2 using MMUN to MGMM in the caravan the DA40 and the 172 and it still remains at 15% will try again at the next patch most likely

4 Jack of All Planes.

  • Use C172 G1000 (deluxe version not work anymore)
  • Dont use any aircraft mod (have problem with C152 mod, not count landing)
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Regarding the bugged to hell and back “My Way” achievement. After many, many, frustrating hours trying to get this achievement it finally popped for me. It was an IFR flight of 350ish NM. I used the Cessna Caravan. Did all ATC correctly, kept the checklist/radio panels open so as to not have the assistance settings bug out and switch back to “Custom”, and used used the AI to park the plane once landed.

I created a video showing all the steps I took so others can recreate the flight. The flight plan can be downloaded from a link in its description. I still think there is a huge element of randomness in whether the achievement pops or not, but maybe mimicking my flight might do the trick for some. I’m sooooooo glad to be done with it! I hope this helps someone.


Thank you, I will test it exactly as you.

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I have all assists off and have flown well in excess of the required 300 miles…actually 600nm in the last few days and parked in the assigned spots each time which the software seems to have recognized because the flight ended with the option to go back to the menu…but no “My Way” achievment .

Same goes for the “Just a few bumps” . The whole week flying around the Canary Islands just about every landing was with well more than 20kts wind…in some cases double the required 15 and at nearly 90° to the runway.

So I guess I am one of those where something just doesn’t want to work. :slight_smile:

Love the list though.

Now I’ll try one more time with the flightplan in the video from AmounAmenti and if that still fails to work I guess I will have to do without it :smiley:

By the way when exiting the runway you should always stop on the apron side of the hold short line :wink:
Real ATC would not be amused if you leave your tail feathers sticking into the active runway like that.

Try letting the co-pilot do the taxi and parking. After doing all the obvious things (true to life, minimizing the windows, etc) that was what did it for me I think.

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Have you made sure to check that the assistance didn’t revert to “custom”? It happens if you close any of the windows that apear at the start of your flight (checklist, ATC etc)

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Yes I double and tripple checked that it was “True to Life” before loading the flight, and checked once again after the flight.
Just did the flight in the Video…let the AI park and shut down. Still no award.

Not sure what the difference is, and frankly at this point I will give up on that one :slight_smile:

Of course I could not just leave it there :smiley:
I did eo the same flight I have done a couple times now…GCHI-LPMA, this time in the TBM and doing the exact same thing, except the aircraft was different, this time it worked.

Ok now I am off to get the “Jst a few bumps” :wink:


Which reminds me that there are some reports this achievement won’t complete unless you use the default livery and have no alternate liveries in the appropriate folder. Perhaps the TBM was stock livery but the plane you used previously had alternates available?

Great thought, but the only MODs I have are the DA62 and DA40 aircraft and G1000 and 3000 avionics.
But I guess it could be the aircraft mod on the DA62 prevented it after I learned not to close the ATC window completely, which I normally do when there is nothing I need it for.

The TBM is flying with the G3000 mod and the achievment worked, so still a mystery to me :wink:

Glad you got it!
Speaking of using the wrong aircrafts, I have noticed that the SIDS and STARs achievement (where you have to land on 25 star airports) Only seem to register progress when you use certain aircrafts. Airliners seems to work the best

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Any advice on the “smart cam” achievements. I can’t use the smart cam correctly. Whenever I press the s key it shows the airport or another player or everything else but the fauna or the city. I’ve tried doing it manually on the camera menu inside the flight menu but it just won’t let me select the proper thing to point at it with the view…

Almost all achievements done, except six.

  • 8 hour on prop/turboprop (doing now)
  • 50 hours at night (37%)
  • 10 weekly activities (40%)
  • 500 land airport (13%)
  • 500 hours (30%)
  • 1000 hours (15%)

For everyone who doing ‘Jack of all planes’ i made sheet with all required planes. Use it for mark what plane you are done.


Third attempt for Saddle Sore with TBM930. No luck.

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I’ll be making my first attempt sometime this week. Was thinking of attempting what has been suggested a few times by other users where you essentially take off, hit pause and wait eight hours before returning to the runway

Yes. This workaround is works. Yesterday i was takeoff, hit ESC and gonna slip. After wake up returned and got achievement.

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