Adjustable Projection Type and Field Of View would be highly beneficial for Widescreens and Curved Monitors

Let’s agree to, erm, agree :slight_smile:


With you all the way on this.

After MSFS2020 is ported to the X-box, the PC users with ultra wide screens or multi monitor configurations are no longer important. There is no intention to solve our problems. Multi monitor support is implemented according to Asobo.
So we will have to get used to the current situation. :cry:

If they want PC users cash then they need to supply a product that is fit for purpose. This will be the one feature I will be looking at before I make a decision to spend my cash.

Most PC users don’t have super-wide-screen displays. They’re actually quite rare overall, so this is a small niche market – see for instance the primary display stats on the Steam hardware survey below.

Would it be nice for affected users to have better support for their less common display layouts? Sure. Am I susprised Asobo doesn’t prioritize it? No.

Yep I agree that applies to the percentage of players who use PCs overall, but how many games optimise the game around multiple screens. MSFS must have a higher percentage of players that use multiple screens for direct play than any other game I can think of. I can only think of one other game where I have used more than one screen.

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It’s a flight simulator not a shooting game.
Real flight simmers not the gamers have cockpits, multiple monitor setups or ultra wide screens. They have the problem. Why are there simmers who switch back to other sims, because of that?

For Asobe and Microsoft it’s a game like other games, therefore they don’t look at the specific needs of real flight simmers.

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The flight sim community is diverse. It is no longer a niche area where only the few can make use of it. There is a lot of perfectly valid paying Xbox players who will be insulted by the “real” flight simmer tag. IMO, Asobo needs to cater to the many to keep the product financially successful.

As for MS and Asobo not knowing what the community wants, you have to recognise it is a shareholder organisation architecture. That means everything has to have a justification. You can’t spend money in a large organisation without credible evidence that it will make a return on investment across a dictated time period. Most of that evidence will be gathered through playtime data. Some will be gathered from the polling requests on this forum or feedback from the streams.

The amount of streams Asobo does is incredible. My opinion is that Asobo has recognised that FS has failed in previous editions. They behave like a company that is actively developing a product all the time. Go look into some of the kickstarter software Devs, and you will see the similarities are very stark. Where as most games release, and you never hear from the Devs again.


I’ve heard this argument so many times, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that the flight simmers who want to invest a lot of money to experience the optimal flight experiance are left out in the cold.

I don’t want to play MSFS2020 or the future 2024 version as a game on a single monitor, but to create a cockpit experience using a triple monitor configuration. I can only get the best possible experience with another flight simulation package like X-plane and not with MSFS. The image experience with MSFS is distorted and unfortunately Asobo won’t do anything about it.

Basically MSFS is one of the best flight simulators, but not for users seeking the optimal flight experience!

Yes, we’re all agreeing – it would be nice for them to cater to everyone, but we know that they won’t.

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I am cautiously optimistic. To me it makes good sense to cater for the ultra wide and multi screen set ups. The main reason is that it is free advertising for the game when people show them off. We don’t have long to wait now before we find out.

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I’am glad that you have so much inside information or you think you have. :rofl:


If I’m wrong, we’re all happy. :wink:

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As I have said before, FSX or Xplane multi monitor support destroys the Xbox concept (single monitor).

So we need a PC version; which had a high number of votes on this forum, then Microsoft shut down that wish.

It felt like a draconian and anti democratic move.

I have seen GE Engines demo the distortion on 3 huge TVs at a science fair. It looks weak for a high tech aviation company.

When Jorg says “that is hard”, I think he often means it is politically hard.

You are 100% right!
MSFS is a Xbox game and we can play it on our PC configuration with a single monitor. There is no good multi monitor and Ultra wide screen support and it will never come. That’s the decision made by Asobo and Microsoft.