Aerosoft CRJ Series

What CPU are you using?


Using the Working Title I got up to almost 40 fps after changing two settings:

  1. lowered level of details to 100
  2. changed glass cockpit refresh rate to low

When using the CRJ with these settings I got 30fps at LOWI but when landing at EDDF I was back to 23 fps. I will probably skip the CRJ for now, the performance is to bad.

Regarding settings there is a huge different between my previous low end GTI 980 TI and the new RTX 3080. For the old GPU I had to focus on reducing the GPU load by underpowering it, with the new GPU I have to focus on reduce CPU load. I think Asobo could make the settings a lot easier if you could chose from some basic hardware setups:

  1. CPU old, medium, new
  2. GPU old, medium, new

By adding suitable predefined config setups for these different hardware combinations life would be much easier.

The glass cockpit refresh rate is a strange one, it must be a bad design of the SDK when those instruments affects performance so heavily. I mean, why should there be a refresh rate at all? Why not let the instruments tell the system that they want to update? It is the altitude tape that you really want to be smooth, the rest of the stuff is not so critical but I have a feeling that the refresh includes all instruments even if they donā€™t have anything that has changed. Since that refresh setting affect the performance so much it must be a good candidate to optimize.

Same issue as I had for some weeks ago, the processor is bottlenecking the GPU.

First I bought a RTX3070 running along with my older i7 6700k 4.0Ghz, struggled alot with fps and stutters.

My solution was upgrading to i9 10900K and run at the same resolution as my monitor, 4k (fps loss at 1080p and 1440, much smothered at 4k) with display cable, no hdmi.

Make sure its connected to the GPU and not MB!

Hoppas det hjƤlper, kan skicka mina egna instƤllningar och steg om det behƶvs :slight_smile:

If only I can get a 3070 or much less a 3080! I kept my 2060super upgraded from an i5 8400 to the i7 10700k.Goes to show you how important the cpu is in a program like this.
The sim now is a lot more fluid with cpu usage being much lower.I am not sure if there is an fps increase.

when i updated i made a flight and realized this problem on ils, after realizing this problem i did a clean installation of the aircraft, deleted all the files related to it at the root of the simulator and downloaded again through the content manager.

I tried to reposition the aircraft on a ramp to do the tests, I tried with a point-to-point flight plan programmed as usual in the FMS, I tested at airports in different regions that I usually fly and I didnā€™t get results. The aircraft sometimes even captures the GS, but does not accompany it as far as is necessary to stay on the descent ramp.

The CRJ does not do autoland. You have to take control manually and land yourself.

I know that CJ does not land automatically, but what I am trying to say is that he is not following the glid slop during an ILS approach

I tried now again, and he even captures the glid, but after a certain time he loses it, it is as if the plane did not make the correction it would need to keep aligned on the descent ramp during the ILS approach even though I kept it at the reference speed .

this did not happen in the old version.

I have the Marketplace version of msfs2020

Here is a video showing what happens.

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Does anyone know if the APU has a dedicated battery because I just started it up without the battery master switch on which I didnā€™t think should happen .

did the cockpit stayed cold & dark while the APU was spooling? Because no, I donā€™t think itā€™s supposed to be possible IRL


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Sorry, so youā€™re saying compared to the stock crj, the Aerosoft only loses you a couple of fps ?

The CRJ got an own battery for the APU, but you still need to put on the battery master in order to start.

Switching the EICAS Elec button twice will bring you to the DC power page. There you will see the status of the main and the APU battery.

Did you start from cold and dank, or turnaround state?

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There is no stock CRJ.

Iā€™m comparing FPS to what I usually get with other planes

@Byly103 what is the version of the Aerosoft CRJ that you have? Look in the manifest.json folder.

Aerosoft CRJ is the best glass cockpit aircraft for the momentā€¦ No stutters with it during taxiing on complex airports.

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That video looks exactly like the issue that was reported in the initial version of the CRJ. I donā€™t think you have the updated version installed.

I jumped into the Carenado YMF-5 instead, changed the settings to High-End (skipping Ultra) and now Iā€™m flying with 40-50fps in Greece!!! Amazing! Iā€™ll try the CRJ again with High-End settings instead and see what I get.

Confirmed. I just loaded the CRJ 700 to default cold & dark. Battery master switch off, no GPU connection to the aircraft. Successfully started the APU.

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