After 10 years of Next Gen FS


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The Sim is already going a Supersonic direction officially (Asobo) and unofficially (3rd Party Devs), the entire game engine is supposed to be getting some tweaks in order to better accommodate the faster speeds. As for Concorde, she’s definitely coming, fingers crossed by end of year if things go well. There is the Blackbird in the works allegedly as a teaser has been dropped recently but i’d expect that much later down the road. The Official Top Gun expansion looks to bring in an Aircraft Carrier, F/A 18 Hornet, F-35 Lightning and from what I can tell, the “theorised” SR-71’s replacement/successor Black Project Aurora Hypersonic Jet.


I’d prefer if i could even fly it.

Do I buy my own real house that’s already in the sim? Or do I buy someone else’s?

But seriously, skydiving would be a great add for Flight Simulator especially if you could do it multiplayer in the same aircraft.

I think games are converging on this solution already. Just a matter of time before there’s one world engine they all connect to.

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Add in a few guns and what you’ve just described basically already exists. Its called Grand Theft Auto.

No, you go and steal guns from the virtual gun store, and just take the house that you want. Or if you more of the peaceful type, you just move in with whoever is living there now and turn it into a commune.

In all sincerity, if Xplane and/or P3D were to partner with Google for a competitive next gen flight sim using Google technology, AI, and Google Earth, it could totally do that.

Right now, on Google Earth, 99% of the global ground textures/3D buildings/satellite detail totally smokes what MS/Asobo has put into flight sim.

I’d be willing to pay more for such a sim. Say normal Xplane price for the sim, and at least an extra $50-100 to unlock global 3D Google Earth and AI.

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It’s such a niche market Google would not be interested because so far they’ve said nothing about creating their own Metaverse. Nor have they any experience in the gaming world nor have they produced hardware to run it on … in otherwords they would be on a loser before they started but I suppose you can always dream.

Oh and then there’s the OS … will it run on a Mac or what?

I meant existing flight sims, such as Xplane and/or P3D can partner with Google to use their technology. However, the core sim engine and flight characteristics would be from existing niche sim players - XP or P3D. At least use Google Earth and their 3D engine for the scenery. That would be a worthy next gen sim competitor, and help them stay relevant.

For example, many remote locations I like to explore in MSFS2020 that have ugly generic blob elevation data and textures and no satellite (worse than FX2000 through FSX textures and elevation), Google Earth has full detailed satellite imagery and elevation.

If MS can hardly keep up with their server load now and half of simmers struggle with photogrammetry now just how good an experience will they get with data streams 10x the size? I can confidently say that to be playable such a sim would probably be limited to gpu’s with 16 or more gigabytes of vram and that totally alienates the vast bulk of simmers.

Well why not?

In 10 years time we’ll probably still be waiting for GTA 6 to come out anyway so who can tell what the future will bring even if the OPs ideas now seem pretty unlikely to say the least.

My own ambitions though are somewhat less radical. I’ll just be happy with a fully fledged flight sim with some high fidelity aircraft. That will do for me.

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There’s nothing that prevents you from doing any of that today, without any work from Asobo:

  • Open up Bus or Train Simulator, or something else and drive to the departure location of choice
  • Plan and fly to and land at your destination of choice
  • Open up Bus or Train Simulator and drive to the next location of choice
  • Open up PGA Tour, or FIFA or Football Manager if you like. Or anything else, you’ve reached your destination.
  • After driving to your location, use Street Maps to walk around, use Google Maps to go inside stores and shop.
  • Use the drone camera to simulate jumping out of the aircraft. That’s totally achievable in MSFS.
  • Buzz the lakes and forests really close, simulating a fire fighting experience. That’s easily a great flying experience right there.
  • Use FSEconomy or OnAir for the VA jobs of choice. Build your company and amass a fortune (I think mine is now worth $32million)

Now, y’all think I’m being facetious and having a total poke and joke at the OP’s expense.
Hopefully greazer sees that I’m doing this in the right spirit of fun and engagement.

The point being, it’s all there and doable. We just need to use the right tools for the right job, and of course a big dollop of imagination.

It’s just that… it’s not Asobo’s responsibility.

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“Will we have fully interactive sex scenes with the romances and one night stands? being able to switch different and all kinds of sex positions and what not?”

Edit: Just incase anyone misses that the above is a quote. It’s from an infamous pre-release fan question regarding Cyberpunk 2077 but it seemed to fit here.

Yep, must admit that one is a bit of a conversation ‘stopper’ :slightly_smiling_face:

Different game. You want something called MS Travel Sim 2030.

They have all that now in GTA5.

Google already has a very basic flight simulator in Google Earth, although it’s a bit of a joke. The flight model is extremely basic and gamey, but the ground texture and scenery is good. Clearly better than MSFS2020 except for the handcrafted areas, which is 99% global coverage. I revisited a few remote locations on Google Earth that were generic texture garbage on MSFS2020 longhaul flights, and it was neat to see what the areas actually looked like on Google Earth.

I really don’t see why X-plane or Prepar3D cannot partner with Google to have a truly competitive next gen sim. Of course it would need to be more expensive for the business model to work, but would be worth it. I’m sure it would be far less buggy.

I can “sim” on Google Earth on a basic 13" ultra portable laptop with core i5 mobile and integrated graphics, and New York City is smoother than MSFS2020 on mid tier gaming rigs. Of course, the flight model and CPU ask is much less since it is so basic.

I have no contacts at X-plane or P3D, but maybe someone with connections can suggest that to them.

From what Ive been reading MS and Google are in a hearts and minds battle for users. So instead of mentioning it to someone over at Xplane you have to do this:

Hey Google…MS says you cant even make a simple flight sim. That means we over here at MS win…Get you some of that.

Now when Google reads the above they’ll say “Hmmmm I wonder why we dont have a flight sim, maybe we should get someone working on that. We cant have A Flight Simulator Gap you know!”

And so started WWIII the war between Google and MS…Bwhahahahahahaha!

I could provide in game gardening for some future virtual currency… give me a government contract and I cut down those pesky trees on final.

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