AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Halp. I just downloaded AIG AI Manager & AIG Traffic Controller for another go. This time I promise not to try to download EVERY airline in the world. :man_facepalming: Yeah… three hours in I ditched it, and went to an inferior (paid) product that I stuck with until this morning. Like a good little end user (lol I work in IT), I opened the AI Manager One-Click -Installer pdf and started reading & following along*. Started up AI Manager. It did the scenery collection thing and checked its version.

Next step! “AIGAIM - OCI → General” to install the One-Click-Installer. …except the AIGAIM - OCI tab is missing. Is there an updated install manual for v1.1.0.97? Am I doing something wrong?

  • I am a former US Marine crayon-eater.

(edit) - In the current version, You have to click on the Settings button on the left side, THEN you will see the AIGAIM - OCI button.