Has anyone managed to find a solution to the problem of lights on airplanes? I understand that if it were a sim problem, I would never see lights, but the problem is that they are only seen while the plane is in the air.
Same here, probably the url is incorrect and need to be fixed
I put it to windows 7 compatibly and it hasn’t crashed my sim yet, that’s with the A330 updates too
The traffic controller is 0.5019
Oops edit that my traffic controller just crashed but not the sim
After restarting traffic controller it’s been fine for 3 hours and still working fine
Why are there still “No Model A330-200/-300” listed in the Error Tab. I thought the a330 models are introduced?
they are…you’re not using the tool correctly. They are in the updated flight plans section.
Done that, still in error tab there are missing a330 models.
did it download and install any A330, perhaps there are still some not added or file transfer issues.
Apologies if this has been covered before but please understand my reluctance of going through the previous 2000+ posts. This is a great addition to my msfs experience and I’ve not had any CTDs from it. What I do have however is the app itself disconnects. I can tell by the ATC going quite and when I alt tab out of VR the app is no longer present. Anyone with ideas how to fix?
I had the same problem, BladeRunner. Try hitting Refresh [bottom right]. Lists of missing/updated airlines should then appear, incl those with A330 models.
there is an issue with TC and simconnect from what I have seen, it tends to randomly crash. Some have tried making it compatible with lower versions of windows.
Unfortunately it does disconnect sometimes, apparently AIG and Asobo are working on it
Have you set compatibly in traffic controller to windows 7 ? That helped for me it’s been running now for 3 hours , only once did I have to restart it
I haven’t tried this but will do next time. Thanks for the hint.
Will there be a Q300/Q400 model.
I do alot of flying in NZ and cant wait for some more smaller aircraft to wear the liveries…
Metros, pc12 would be awesome as well
Are there plans to add the Edelweiss A330 too?
The Q400 is already there…unfortunately, ANZ flies the Q300, not the Q400. New models will come as they are converted by AIG to MSFS. It takes time. In just the 2 weeks that I have been using the software, they have already added the B717 and now the A330.
you can’t…MS/Asobo problem with Ai altitude reporting.
we are trying to get a workaround ready, but the SDK has some limitations…