Back online:
Download AIM and TC, replace your old files with the new once!
Back online:
Download AIM and TC, replace your old files with the new once!
IM SOOOOO HAPPY!!! I will download it tonight and install the ai traffic
Does that mean the older apps won’t update by themselves?
I get ridiculous ground congestion at EHAM at 100%,
(I have all traffic disabled in msfs and only use aig controller.)
correct, download from the links above and replace your old files with the new once.
Do we have to do a fresh new install? Not sure what you mean by replacing the files?
replace the files in your AIM directory with the new once. Your OCI installation will not be removed
Awesome! Thanks!
Sorry @Kaiii3 I should of asked. I presume you mean just replace the files in the 2 separate folders I have created for traffic and manager?
I’m a right numnut when it comes to this sorry
Yes, that is correct.
Always to the rescue mate
Just to reiterate how this is important (as I had the same question myself), AI Manager and Traffic Controller are back online – Alpha India Group states that:
Both tools have been updated to the new backup server infrastructure and a ready to download. Your existing versions will not pick up the updates, so you need to get the files from our forum and replace your existing files. After that just start the tools as you did before.
Updated the software as above, but after Verify Texture & Setup (x2) I get this at KLAX, any ideas? thanks
Did anyone else’s update check on the manager take an age?
I close the window saying it will update then it appears to freeze. How long do I leave it?
Yes it took a while, but with as many people hitting the servers right now, it isn’t surprising. It took me 20 min to download just the update. I am still in the process of the verify settings and downloading repaints.
It’s not working for me. As soon as I click to close the window to continue it completely freezes. Just to be clear, I can’t open the Manager…it says it’s checking for an update then freezes.
Just this second it has timed out, opened a command window to tell me so and shut itself down.
Not entirely sure what’s going on & not sure what else to do, hopefully it’s server load.
This thing has been around a long time. I first noticed it at Hong Kong International. I think it is a Cathay Pacific 747 Cargo. I have mentioned it here and on the Discord channel a few times. I have never seen an official response about it. My flightplans/models have been kept fully up to date. The model obviously does not work in MSFS so I guess whoever did the livery will update it someday if we are lucky
if you go onto the map in TC, you can click on the actual plane and it will tell you details about which aircraft it is.
It takes a long time.
Mine appeared to freeze as well, but I just left it alone and it came back.
They have said this server is not able to work near full capacity and it will take a longer time than usual, and that was fairly long in the first place.
Thanks for letting me know. It was that it timed out and shut itself down which I’ve not seen before.
I’ll give it a go in the morning and hope that it is server load causing the problem.
This is 99% one of the Cathay Pacific Cargo 747-8F planes, so you should first check if there is something wrong with those…