AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Think of AIG as another source of traffic, you can have it on with online traffic or offline even a network like VATSIM.

However, you may not know which AI comes from which source and there will be some conflicts such as aircraft crossing each other instead of holding per ATC. If that doesn’t bother you, you can have a full screen of traffic from various sources.

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If you use it with MSFS live traffic, then there is no need for AIG Traffic Controller. Traffic Controller is only needed if you want AIG to use it’s own offline flight plans.

AIM downloads AI aircraft, liveries and flightplans. The Flightplans are not used with MSFS Live Traffic, just the liveries.


Exactly. Besides TC seems to freeze after 10 mins - it is a common bug I think.

I just keep On-line traffic running as well as Traffic Controller. I’ve yet to notice “crossovers” although to be fair I rarely “visit” very busy airports.
Never had it freeze but TC does occasionally “drop out” - I notice it when it gets a bit quiet! Just restart it, no problem. There’s far worse happening in the sim!

I tried TC at Heathrow yesterday which is a real hardcore test for TC :crazy_face:. It lasted about 15 minutes before freezing up !

I was switching between TC and real time online traffic (generics and ground aircraft off). They are kind of opposites of each other.

TC fills almost every stand with a plane but nothing in the air until about after 10 minutes when you start seeing taxiing planes and occasional landings.

Real time online has hardly anything on the ground but you get a string of planes coming in to land straight away on both runways !

I prefer using real time traffic with the AIG models and the ground aircraft slider bumped up a bit to put a few extra random aircraft on the ground.

(Checked Heathrow twitter and they are using both runways to land on).


Thanks for sharing that. I thought it was just me.

interesting observations.

  1. AIG usually takes a few minutes to “settle” so planes depart/arrive so not surprising here.
  2. Having planes use multiple runways simultaneously is a sim issue, not AIG-controlled. Right now, using offline traffic (AIG), I have departing on two runways at EGLL.

One of the biggest issues is that AIG (or any provider) can only do so much because of limitations/failures of the sim. IMO, the devs have over promised and way under delivered against one of their bigger selling points of the game. Furthermore, they also haven’t focused on it in any meaningful way IMO regardless of how many spots it takes up on their Q&A/roadmaps.

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I didnt know it, thank you so much for your answer.

Seems I was too hasty - looks like it was the Powerlines and Solar Farms mod causing the stutters. Trying again with AIG and I think it’s absolutely fantastic. Really adds life to the sim.

You say the solar farms mod is causing the stutters but earlier said that when you started using AIG you got stutters. Forgive me if I am wrong but it sounds to me as if you are just reaching the limit of your systems resources since you can run either mod ok individually but not both together.

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Yes, You may well be right there - I hadn’t looked at it that way. I removed both, and then reinstalled AIG - I can run AIG with no issues, I have about 60 airlines installed and am running at 100% density (if that’s the right word), and all is now good. Fortunately, I’m not really bothered about the powerlines! Cheers.

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for the best performance only activate the mods you really need on the flight :wink:

That is incorrect. If you want to use MSFS Live Traffic with AIG Models, then you neet to have AIG Traffic Controller running. However you have to switch off the option to use the AIG Flightplans.

That is simply not true I am afraid. You most certainly do not need to have TC running for live traffic using AIG models.


Pretty sure I’m seeing lots of non default liveries without even launching AIG TC. I always assumed MSFS retrieves them directly from the community folder, where AIM stores everything. So does it make any difference whether TC is launched or not? (obviously without injecting any traffic)

At the risk of being overly simple:

  1. AIM

AIM provides/organizes all the content - liveries, models, flight plans to your Community folder. You download all of this. That is all it does.

  1. Traffic Controller

Traffic Controller (TC) when running injects all of the ai Traffic you downloaded using AIM. It reads the pre-made flight plans and injects the traffic using those flight plans. TC only works when you are using traffic is set to “offline” or “off”.

If you are using real time traffic, the game will attempt to match traffic to any current models you have downloaded via AIM (or any other system). You do not need to be running TC during Real-Time (or things like VATSIM). However, real time has issues with data that can result in mismatches.

Furthermore, if you do not set your ground traffic slider to zero, the game will spawn random liveries from the selection you downloaded (this means you can get regional/local carriers in any country or at any airport as the game doesn’t know anything about what is “supposed” to be where (this is why using flight plans is better IMO as it guarantees accuracy if that is what you want).

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Anyone encountered this? Where an AI plane is flying in the wrong direction based on its FP. From time to time I see this.

Sim issue… it will return to the correct path after some time. Issue has been reported already

yeah, it can do a bit more, but basically it is the “manager” in the background to make sure the user has everything he needs.

nope, it runs fine with online AI as well, you might end up having the same flight duplicated, one by AIG and one by MSFS.

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sorry, maybe I should have said something like “isn’t needed”.

I wouldn’t have thought using both at the same time made any sense given you have more than enough traffic using TC any extra real time flights wouldn’t even be noticeable and would cause even more overcrowded/go around issues given how poor many airports are designed for ai.

I have problem when i use oci-bulk button. When i click oci-bulk, nothing happens and it says “Remove Duplicate Fltsim Entries” at bottom right hand corner.

Why it may happen, any suggestions?
