AIG AI Manager and Traffic Controller for MSFS

Not too clear on how to revert the sim traffic files or uninstall it either


I urge someone that is working with the AIG software to either write a better step-by-step tutorial on how to install and set up this software. It is too complicated for the average user. It is called OCI(ONE CLICK INSTALLATION) but far too complicated to set up.


When the new models are introduced you just need to hit “Verify Setup” (Found at “Settings” tab on the left then “AIGAIM-OCI” tab at the top) then the program will go through all your installed airlines and install any missing/updated items.

If you want to delete all traffic files just go to the community folder and delete “aig-aitraffic-oci-beta.”
If you want to delete certain files click the “Installed” tab at the top, navigate to the airline and hit “Remove”

What part is everyone getting stuck at? All I remember when installing is just setting the directories, then going to the “Flightplan” tab on the left then hitting “Online” tab at the top and hitting install. (Then click “Install using OCI” then “Install” once more when promted)


Do we need AIG_TrafficController to get real liveries on real-time AI working? Or will it work just fine if we install AIG_AIManager and install all flight plans?

My understanding is that you do. My specialty is in offline AI-Traffic though so maybe @Kaiii3 can give a more thorough answer or you can put something up in the AIG forums.

Completely forgot about Online AI since I have it disabled, but I can help with any questions with offline AI if anyone needs it.

From my understanding, you use AIG_AIManager to install the liveries, after that you don’t need it unless you want add more or update them. You need the AIG_TrafficController to inject the liveries/aircraft in to the sim. I’ve got it working, firstly I start MSFS, then I start AIG_TrafficController, after a minute or 2 the aircraft are populated at the airport.

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after make all the steps my sim doesnt start, the blue bar is at the middle…anyone has the same issue?

No problems here, just loaded up KLAX, looks great.


For first time AIG users (as me) the setup maybe a but confusing, but with a few of patiente is easy. The tutorials are acceptable, even for me with a very bad english knowing. After the setup the process of download/installation is very easy and perfect. All is working very well with the knowing bugs describeg

If the mod is supposed to park the aircrafts at the correct terminals to make it accurate as in real life then the mod isn’t working correctly as I see airlines are parked in wrong terminals.

If it isn’t designed to park them at correct terminals then nevermind. Does look pretty good though seeing traffic at the gates

The mod does park the aircraft at the terminals correctly if the parking assignments are assigned in the scenery. It looks great seeing aircraft, but the next step if figuring out how to park them right.

There is some limited testing on gate assignments but it’s not in the current test focus, it’s less to do with AIG and more to do with the scenery creators themselves (Ie. Flytampa, Romandesigns, Samscene, etc.). It is possible though as demonstrated below:


There is so many traffic taking off.


Ok so It depends on the scenery developer. Didn’t know that

More Pictures. I love AIG! This is LAX


This is Seattle

This SFO


Can’t wait to try it out, is the AI traffic taking off and flying at the correct altitude?

Fully expecting lots of silly go around madness at busy airports

Just picked up Flightbeams NZAA and have installed a bunch of the AI plans. This is finally becoming the Sim I was hoping it would be.


Has anybody made a model match file for vatsim yet?

I only really fly on vatsim currently using the ivao model pack but it’s hit and miss.


It may not be perfect, but it is a vast improvement on Asobo’s effort, and it’s free (although I have made a donation to them).

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