What I noticed was this. If you inject traffic using AIGTC First then set AI ground traffic to let’s say 100, then some of the empty parking spaces will be filled with random AI planes that are not necessarily accurate to the airport. So it adds to the overall number of parked planes.
BUT if you set ground AI traffic to 100 first BEFORE injecting traffic from AIGTC, then the parking spaces occupied by the AI ground traffic cannot be replaced with the injected traffic from AIGTC.
In short, you can do it, but make sure to inject traffic from AIGTC first before you set ground AI traffic to 100 (or something not zero)
Good point , but if you set slider to 0 then unless you download lots of AI liveries isn’t the airport going to look a bit bare in terms of traffic, if you don’t use your add on mega pack liveries as static planes?
Incorrect, verified it on their Discord. Life traffic is not being injected by AIG TC. Only model matching is applied.
To be more complete:
There is no connection to any online data source by now but the static flight plans from different years. All life traffic is done exclusively by MSFS and MSFS will choose whatever matches the airline and aircraft types icao code is randomly.
Ok thanks , going back to my previous question regarding atc talking to injected BA planes that I spotted landing at EGKK with an easyJet call sign ( EASY) instead of Speedbird
I was in an A320 on the taxi way in easyJet livery with a call sign easy , am I doing something wrong or is this a known bug
Could somebody please create a YouTube vid showing how this is done? I’m finding the manual very hard to follow and following/ imitating someone step by step would be far easier.
Hi, i got an issue when launching AIG AI Manager. When i start the program i have to choose a simulator but the list is empty. As i read from the Tutorial PDF when you have just one Simulator installed the program chooses itself. Didn’t work for me. I have just MSFS2020 installed.