[ANNOUNCEMENT] Schweizer SGS 2-33A Glider (Freeware)

I had my first flight in one of these today. It was an amazing experience. Im planning on going for my power and glider licence in a few years. I’ll definitely be following this projrct

Hey, tried the Alpha. Great fun and a very promising aircraft. My impression was that it performes a bit better than what i read in the books, especially on the low end of the speed range, but i have no real world experience, so it’s merely an impression.
Another thing i found: I guess, the aircraft doesn’t have a wheelbrake, but relies on pushing the nose onto the skid, as it’s in the K7. That doesn’t really slow the a/c down a lot. Maybe it could use a little more friction on that skid.

Keep up the good work. Really nice to see another glider in the sim!

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Thanks, I still working on the 3D model. The wheel brake is applied using full spoiler. For the cadets, there is a bellanca scout tow plane included. I have also modified a couple airfields by adding a grass runway.

Anyone wishing a grass runway at their favorite airport, just ask

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I just discovered this add-on, a splendid reminder of the few lessons I took in the late 1990’s in an SG2-33. I typically fly the AS33me in the sim but this harks back to a simpler, more seat-of-the-pants style of soaring without all the technological aids. Thanks for this.

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Hi Guys!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for developing this @DA40CGDFQ . I am currently training on this glider, and this will be really helpful to keep practicing during the winter (my club is only open in the summer.) I really like the model, but I have one or two gripes that I want to point out, not sure if you are already fixing them

First, the wing strut is just a rectangle that is not connected to the wing properly, this probably wouldn’t be a hard fix. even a round front and back would make it look a lot better/more realistic. If you are up for the challenge, the real plane has a castle nut/cotter pin. I am not suggesting you add this, but just a short cylinder in the space between the fuselage and strut as well as between the strut and wing.

Second, the real plane doesn’t have paint under the spoilers/dive breaks, so it would be cool to add a negative of the spoiler in the wing and have it be black.

Lastly and this one isn’t as important, I think that the leading edge of the wing could have a bit more resolution on the final product. This doesn’t need as much attention, the other things I mentioned would probably benefit the addon more.

Aside from these, I really congratulate you for taking the time and effort to make such an amazing model. I don’t know if you are still working on the model or if you have already fixed these issues, but can’t wait for the next beta model! I also congratulate you for making this freeware, given all the time and effort you put into this amazing model!

The glider is being completely redone. Any comments are appreciated.

If the is a livery you want post pictures.


a plain yellow livery i think is great thats pretty much what i fly

Could you make this livery? It doesn’t have to be perfect by any means, a quick approximation should be fine. I might be able to get a few more photos if necessary. Don’t worry about getting this livery out anytime in the near future.

I’ll add it to my list

Do you have any cockpit interior photos, instrument panel

Looks suspiciously like a cadet glider LOL!

What airport is that - do you use a grass strip next to the runway? or use the actual runway?

discord link in first post - let me know if it expires

Yes… it is! It’s the CFB Borden Cadet Gliding Centre , we use the grass strip