Anyone also has CTD occasionally with ATC

I’ve had that many times in the past. One of them was repeatable…until it wasn’t!

One crash was just after takeoff, I announced landing intentions at an untowered field probably 10-15 miles away, and the instant I hit the ATC menu item the sim died. I relaunched the sim multiple times with the same results. Then on one occasion it didn’t do it again, and I couldn’t replicate anymore.

Another time, off the Florida coast where I had flown along the Keys, I announced landing intentions at a towered airport, and just as I was on downwind, and ATC was going to clear me to land, the sim died.

My assumption has long been that sometimes the Azure TTS may be triggering this. Something may go wrong with the request to read out the textual information, and the sim doesn’t gracefully switch to offline TTS. I do have offline TTS available, and can use it, but I think the sim doesn’t or perhaps didn’t switch cleanly.

If you are getting this regularly, then that’s good in a way because if you turn of Azure TTS, and only use offline TTS, then a change should be easy to detect.