Are "false localizers" simulated?

Well, maybe… But that doesn’t explain why a Navigraph NavData update actually fixed these localiser alignments. But then again, maybe Navigraph deliberately shifted the navdata to match the inaccurate scenery, making it inaccurate in doing so.

But it is what it is.

Some mis information going on here. Magnetic variation or magnetic disturbances does not shift the ILS beams. This is a radio signal thing in relation to surrounding terrain, other aircraft etc. I very much doubt If any of this radio signal anomaly stuff is even modelled in the sim so I would tend to agree with @Neo4316 and say it’s a nav data issue.

I don’t understand why the nav data would be different between the OP and me.

I’m also using default scenery and default nav data, and ILS @ 109.55 MHz guided me straight in on RW36, right on the center line.

Aircraft differences? Avionics differences?

Ah ok I didn’t spot that and also haven’t tried myself. Perhaps exactly the same config as the OP should be tried to prove or dispel that theory.

Yes, agreed, a few more people testing and reporting would be helpful.

That is something i dont understand eighter. But i am now certain it is not per design, i had some misconceptions about false localizers when i opened this thread.

Everything default scenery/navdata wise, FBW Airbus

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