Have thre same with link cable and asw, I solve the sky shimmering by using ‘high level clouds’ instead of clear skies and when over water, make sure you have some ground winds, to have waves.
I have an I913900k/rtx4090/32Gb 6400ram. What are your specs?
9800x3d RTX 4090 64gb ram at 6000mhz. I used to get the shimmering artefacts with a 5800x3d as well. Can you just confirm that if you force ASW on and look at a clear sky with no clouds you don’t get the shimmer/artefacts that so many of us get?
Ok, I normally fly dusk and dawn with a few clouds because this, together with enhanced night lighting, looks sooo beautiful.
I must admit that I was able to see some of these reported artifacts flying in clear blue skies mid day with msfs2020, with my asw = forced 45fps and asw enabled. I didn’t see any with asw = off, auto, or forced 45fps with asw disabled. I also did not see any artifacts when I changed my weather to = few clouds(with any asw mode settings. I also tried msfs2020 reprojection on/off (depth) and this did not make any differences. I normally fly it set to off.
I also tried a few other sims like Aerofly FS2 and RC9 and didn’t see any of these artifacts no matter what asw modes I used. I normally fly both of these at 80Hz refresh rates and disable asw because I don’t have any problems getting 80fps with my fairly high end PC (i913900k/rtx4090).
Also tried xp11 (still prefer it to xp12 btw) and didn’t see any artifacts with any asw modes or sky/cloud conditions. Likewise with xp12.
Not 100% sure but I kinda think that this is more of a msfs2020 VR rendering issue. Looks like the obvious workaround is to not use ASW and/or add a few clouds. I prefer to use forced 45fps with asw disabled, with few clouds so it’s not an issue, for me at least.
Anyway, thanks for making me try all this so I can at least see what some of you are talking about. Cheers.
Thanks for your detailed reply. It looks we’re stuck with these artefacts unfortunately. But as you say it’s easy enough to get rid of them by adding a few clouds, and I completely agree, flying at dusk/dawn with some clouds in the sky is amazing
I had to look up ASW.
Asynchronous SpaceWarp
It’s really a form of frame generation that adds predictive frames.
I noticed Virtual Desktop mentioned here. I found this video which I thought was pretty telling.
Like many YT vids, they don’t tell you everything, lol! With msfs2020 both asw and ssw are poor choices if you have enough pc power to avoid using them. I actually find VD’s ssw worse for artifacts looking through my heli rotor blades at clouds and buildings. Up to you to find out what works best for your setup and flying style imho.
I don’t fly in VR, and if I did I’d only buy a PCVR headset with a DisplayPort connection. So it doesn’t matter to me. I just thought it might be a little piece of info that might be useful to those who use a Meta headset.
Testing options is always the way.
I’ve enjoyed reading your comments in this thread. You seem quite knowledgeable, and willing to help. I’m less knowledgeable about this topic, and hope I haven’t steered anyone in the wrong direction. I saw Virtual Desktop mentioned, found the video, and shared it. Is it gospel? Nope. Is it information? Yep.