Not enough bandwidth

Please don’t take this as a complaint.
Two days till the next update and I know that Asobo is preparing their servers for the update.
I continually get messages about not having enough bandwidth and I have plenty and the sim freezes on the world map page.
This happens to me two days before every major update. Really annoying
Does anybody else have a similar experience.

This doesn’t ever happen to me. I can imagine that would be extremely annoying!

more likely it just because it’s Friday. Start of the internet busy days… fri, sat, sun.

try changing server

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Bandwith is fine on my 40 mb connection at my end, but I’ve lost text to azure voices again for the umpteenth time again today. It’s most annoying not being provided with a service you have paid for.

It depend on your bandwith… Sometimes those messages occured without any reasons, sometimes it’s bc your bandwith is too low. What i would recommend you is to download with the manual cache option, world area you fly the most in order tno to have any bandwith issues while playing.

I have Verizon Vios 800mps. My bandwidth is cruising!!! No Issues.

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