Assistance options get reset to default on every startup

Hi folks,

Several posts have been hidden. Please keep it civil and constructive when interacting with each other as is stated in the Code of Conduct:

A Pilot is a Pilot - Treat everyone in the community with respect, and seek to have positive experiences with your fellow pilots.

:small_blue_diamond:Harassing or Defamatory Content

Harassing, bullying or defamatory content will not be tolerated and has a negative effect on everyone’s experience in the forums. This includes:

  • Throwing around insults with the intent to bully or targeting individuals or groups with malice.

:small_blue_diamond:Improve the Discussion

We recognize that our forums are an official place for feedback on Microsoft Flight Simulator, whether it is positive, neutral, or negative. Help us make this a great place for discussion by always adding something constructive to the discussion, whether big or small. We do not remove posts for being negative; however, we do remove posts that are toxic or non-constructive (click here for specific examples on how to improve the discussion). Non-constructive posts do not add to the community and include but are not limited to:

  • Being intentionally disruptive
  • Derailing threads
  • Creating posts or threads intended to cause unrest in the forums
  • Off-topic posts
