ATC on live traffic: aircraft type and tail number used instead of airline and flight number on IFR flights

It has come back for me today. for the first 10 minutes, then it switched to normal airline and flight. Not sure whats going on. Wonder if FSLTL/ELT might have something to do with it.

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I have the same issue. Hope they fixed it in next update


I can confirm that it is the FlightSim injected traffic that is not being ID’d properly. Also, the Generic callsign is back for all GA traffic as well.

Traffic injected by FSLTL and ELT seems to be fine.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

yes, i have the same problem

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I honestly don’t know if it’s the fault of the latest update or the fault of the FSLTL, until last month the default live traffic with aig was fine.
Now I also have the problem that the airline liveries do not match (eg. ryanair
with iberia livery)

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I have the same problem, even after the update it didn’t get better, it’s worse.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


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ATC uses registration or tail numbers instead of callsigns. It was working correctly in SU10.

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Issue seems to be fixed on, Generic in example is likely VFR:


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