Baro knob action

Its not that big of an issue for me, I’m just saying that it is weird that seemingly simple things are not accurately modeled. This worries me that the core sim might be equally flawed. There are enough posts showing a clear lack of understanding of basic principles from the Asobo side.

Its simple in my opinion, if you take the icing effects for example. If you put so much effort to program visual icing effects on the aircraft, why not do it properly? With realism in mind and proper knowledge about inflight icing, maybe some real life experience they would have never come up with what we have now.

RMI pointers or bearing pointers are pointing towards the localizer antenna with an ILS / LOC frequency set, flight director lateral mode not working with AP OFF, wrong autopilot disengagement logic these are fundamental flaws. Somehow even FSX did a better job in those areas.