Behringer X-Touch mini works flawless

Hi guys!! Any idea on how to toggle ILS button in A320 with maartentamboer/[X-Touch-Mini-FS2020] ? I didn’t found any event documented

I am searching the ‘LS’ event and simvar, too

Unfortunately there is nothing like Datarefeditor from Xplane, where you can search in the
simulator for variables. This would make configurations for tools like this much easier.


I also use the X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 together with the Mobiflight WASM.
For the A32NX FlyByWiremod I tested this succesfully:
“index”: 13,
“event_press”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.A320_Neo_PFD_BTN_LS_1”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },
This toggles the LS Button. I also found a Variable “BTN_LS_1_FILTER_ACTIVE” that seems to be connected to the state of the button, but I could not read it succesfully.
A statement like “simvar_led”: “BTN_LS_1_FILTER_ACTIVE” does not work.

I hope, this helps.
Regards, Frank

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Hi Frank , Thanks! I will research a little about integration between python and mobiflight and try that event

G’day Frank,

Thanks for that part of the code - is there anything else that’s required? I have the MobiFlight Event Module in the Community folder, and added that code to the config, but the button is not responsive for me unfortunately.

Cheers, Michiel

Hello Michiel,

it´s really tricky and sometimes confusing.
I think I have found it: when I downloaded the mobiflight there were some problems with virus warnings. I then found the Mobiflight beta in mobiflight / MobiFlightFC / Downloads — Bitbucket

This version has an extended events.txt list and includes the line 296:
I removed the appended ‘_’ before the ‘’#" (it looks like an error) , so my actual line is

When you register on the mobiflight page, then goto → forum → on top of the page there is a also link to a Discord. The discord is also a good source for more Information.

Sorry, I did not think of this. I have tried a lot of things and tools, FSUIPC (they also work on a new WASM), Lorby, Mobiflight, a lot of trial and error. The tools are good, but I now decided to concentrate on the X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 and the Mobiflight WASM. For me that is difficult enough.

Good luck, Frank

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Do i need only the WASM module or complete mobiflight app ?

You only need the WASM modul. You don´t even have to execute the MobiflightSetup-
I use 7zip and open the exe file (right Mouseclick on the exe file → 7zip → open or extract) , then goto the contained MSFS-module\mobiflight-event-module folder and copy this mobiflight-event-module to the community folder of your MSFS.
That has the advantage that you do not install a softwarepackage that you don´t need (less risk)

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G’day Frank,

Thanks for answering my question, twice … :wink: The impact a little underscore can have. Great find mate! It actually explains why quite a few calls on my end didn’t work. All fixed now!

If you install MobiFlight you can opt-in for betas in the settings and then update the app to But yes, your method works well especially to keep the amount of external programs manageable.

I’ll have to check out their discord - many thanks. I found their forum but it’s quite bare for MSFS.

Yeah me too, I like the simplicity of using Python to control the X-Touch-Mini.

Thanks again mate,


Who knows how to reduce the steps f.e. the altitude to 100ft increments and speed to 1kts.

Do i need different events?

  "index": 2,
  "event_up": "AP_SPD_VAR_INC",
  "event_down": "AP_SPD_VAR_DEC",
  "event_press": {
    "event": "SPEED_SLOT_INDEX_SET",
    "type": "manual",
    "value": 1,
    "description": "A32NX - set AP Speed Hold to selected mode"
  "event_long_press": {
    "event": "SPEED_SLOT_INDEX_SET",
    "type": "manual",
    "value": 2,
    "description": "A32NX - set AP Speed Hold to managed mode"

  "index": 4,
  "event_up": "AP_ALT_VAR_INC",
  "event_down": "AP_ALT_VAR_DEC",
  "event_press": {
    "type": "manual",
    "value": 1,
    "description": "A32NX - set AP Altitude Hold to selected mode"
  "event_long_press": {
    "type": "manual",
    "value": 2,
    "description": "A32NX - set AP Altitude Hold to managed mode"

Found the solution, this is the bug with different controllers like the TCA Throttle.
After unplugging the TCA throttle i can dial HDG in 1° steps and Alt in 100ft steps

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hi, how did you fix your Behringer device on this Honeycomp. I use and own the same hardware.

Using mobiflight i can now switch realy to STD

long press = STD … short press = back to QNH

“index”: 1,
“event_up”: “KOHLSMAN_INC”,
“event_down”: “KOHLSMAN_DEC”,

  "event_press": {
    "event": "MobiFlight.XMLVAR_Baro1_Mode_QNH",
    "type": "manual",
    "value": 2
  "event_long_press": {
    "event": "MobiFlight.XMLVAR_Baro1_Mode_STD",
    "type": "manual",
    "value": 2

Hello all,
I’m using x touch with Maartens pyton script. I would like to read sim variables, switch on and off the light of dedicated x touch buttons and send alternative variables depending on the state. Like G1000 buttons AP on is highlighted, if button pressed switch out light of x touch knob and send AP off. with this method I could use one button for all autopilot commands. Identical to the original G1000. Any idea or hint.

I do all these things with AxisAndOhs. It’s cheap and super powerful, and the author LorbySI is extremely helpful. Come over.

Hi ! If you are using Axis and Ohs , that guy is making a GREAT job ! Axis and Ohs Template For X-Touch Mini A320 [WIP] • Microsoft Flight Simulator

i have problems with payware for Tools to handle the flight sticks or behringer x touch but the lorby Programm its really cool and easy and now i pay for this small great Programm. Setup my behringer and some Button on my streamdeck are working every flight 100% and that is in msfs not normal. i can say no pay for airports or scenery its All ■■■■ and the Performance is ■■■■. but this Tool its really really Good

1 Like

Hi All, I have the X-Touch Mini and trying to use it with Mobiflight to control the Cessna G1000 as the MFS with the mouse is incredibly time consuming.
I have got the X-Touch mini communicating with FS2020 using the X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 app and i have installed the latest Mobiflight and placed the ‘mobiflight-event-module’ in the FS2020 community folder. However, when input

“index”: 1,
“event_up”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_INC”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },
“event_down”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_DEC”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },

i run the X-Touch mini fs2020 app it throws up the following error

Event MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_INC, was not found in simconnect list. Using a manual binding
Event MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_FMS_Upper_DEC, was not found in simconnect list. Using a manual binding

I am not sure what i am doing wrong. I am making the changes in the config_default.json file. Do i need to add the Mobiflight events to the config.schema.json file? It would be great if anyone has any suggestions. Thx


Doing the changes in the config_default.json file is perhaps not optimal but ok (it´s better to have seperate files for each aircraft).

Putting the Mobiflight events into the config.schema.json is not needed, it works without it.

The error message says, that it does not find the event in the “standard” simvar list of simconnect.
But the programm should not search it there, it should search in the mobiflight events.txt file.

For example:
“index”: 4,
“event_up”: “DUMMY_123”,
“event_down”: “DUMMY_456”
produces the same error message because an event like “DUMMY_123” does not exist.

If I try
“index”: 6,
“event_up”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.DUMMY_123”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },
“event_down”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.DUMMY_456”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 }
I do not get any error message at all (of course it does not work in any way), so I think that in this case/syntax the programm does not check the existence of the events in the MobiFlight events.txt

So my only suggestion is: Please check your X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 version, is it 1.40?

How about checking a button event like
“index”: 8,
“event_press”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_SOFTKEYS_6”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },
“description”: “Switch between the CDI Display sources”

Same error?

I’ve just noticed after weeks of use that my button LEDs do not light up in accordance with the simvar_led commands!

My midi output device is set to X-TOUCH MINI 1 in config.json, and I am using the Layer A and B editor configs from the GitHub repo.

Any ideas?