Bell 407 Force Trim only Resets Trim to Center

Yes some helicopter has an AFCS mode called ATT. It is a hands free mode. The Beep Trim adjust the roll and pitch attitude that the AP is holding. I think the Force Trim Release button is also used to manually hand-fly to a new attitude and when released memorises and keep that attitude. The S-92 has it.

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Yes its a Trim reset

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Lateral and Longitudinal “beep trim” is implemented to trim in flight. To avoid the “sudden jolt” described, use INCREASE/DECREASE ROTOR LONGITUDINAL TRIM and INCREASE/DECREASE ROTOR LATERAL TRIM, mapping to a 4 way hat switch on the cyclic/joystick. This will result in predictable, incremental changes to trim in both axis.