C172 JT-A Mod (SU6, v0.2, Oct 24)

Great mod. So much fun. And the Diesels are great engines. I fly a DR400-155 CDI IRL and the performance is really good compared to the 180hp Lycoming version. Unfortunate the reliability of those engines is not on par with the conventional power plants at the moment but I hope they’ll get there. Because theyre a great economical and financial option for GA.

One thing for the Cessna. I can’t see a pilot in the outside view. Is this a error in the mod?

Yeah i visited an airfield and they had a DR400 which cooked 2 engines in 1200hrs. They were towing meaning high load, low airspeed, small cowling and cooling components.

I didnt notice the missing pilots. its something i didn’t look for. Ah i see Daniel mentioned it on fs.to

Yeah our club had its fair share of problems. Two radiators and a new cylinder head seal within 400h. Very frustrating. But I really like to fly it. It’s quiet, fast, has great range and performs well. Let’s hope they get a handle on the durability.

Thanks for checking on the pilot issue.

And thanks again for this great mod. Just flew it around the Bavarian airfields. And it’s loads of fun!

I maybe found the bug regarding the missing pilot.
I kicked the lower Interior LOD’s and it seems, that the pilot is somewhere animated there.

Give me some time to fix that issue

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No worries. Just thought I would report it.


Thanks again to you and @MrTommymxr for making the JT-A even more realistic.

Regarding the Engine Start button - what command would that map to on a keyboard or controller? I have a new VKB with a dedicated Start button that would be perfect for reducing the number of clicks in the virtual cockpit? Thanks!


Here the Key bind for the Starter: Instruments and Systems / Engine Instruments / Set Starter 1 (Hold)

or alternative for Stream Deck or something different:
Write event: K:TOGGLE_STARTER1
Read variable: A:GENERAL ENG STARTER ACTIVE:1, Number

and for the Engine Master Switch:

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Thanks for this, it’s great to fly.

I’ve found a couple of bugs. First is the white nav light on the top rear of the rudder, the glow doesn’t move with the rudder:

The second is the rudder pedals. With no rudder input they are displaced as though some left rudder is applied. Also they don’t move when the parking brake is applied or released. In the default 172 when the parking brake is applied, the rudder pedals tilt forward and they tilt back when released.

@DanielLOWG - how goes restoring the pilot avatars please? Thanks!

Hi, I got it to work, so it will work at next update :wink:
but no release date fixed yet.
Unfortunately, I have killed my Flightsim PC :see_no_evil:… have to do a little trouble shoot before I can continue…

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:open_mouth: I hope you’re back up soon!

@DanielLOWG I hate to add to the list, but I don’t know if you can remove this - there’s a black spot on the pilot side window, I’m fairly sure it wasn’t there before? You can see it just forward of the strut.

That is not on the window btw, it is sort of hanging underneath the wing, I also noticed it, but you can see it from external view viewed from the other side. (if I remember correctly)

I haven’t gotten to checking out his updated model either

Is there any way I can add liveries from the stock Asobo model to the Jet A model? Or downloaded third party liveries?

Oh, that looks like an very tiny object hanging around somewhere in the model :see_no_evil:
Have it now on my open issue list :wink:

My PC is now working again… but please give me some time… I’m quite busy in the moment.

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Hey guys,

Is there any way I can use the liveries for the standard Asobo 172 on this mod?

Thanks for any tips

Most 172 liveries should work on the JTA with just a little massaging.

  1. Edit the aircraft.cfg file and change
    base_container = "..\Asobo_C172sp_AS1000" to
    base_container = "..\C172TDI"

  2. Edit the texture.cfg file which should look something like this.


    Layouts of each livery’s texture.cfg may differ slightly but the important thing to remember is to add the additional line BEFORE the Asobo_C172sp_AS1000 line to point to the JTA folder texture folder, then renumber the lines so they are sequential. In the example below I have added a new fallback 6 line and renumbered the old fallback 6 & 7 lines to 7 & 8.


Or you could save yourself some work as my 172 liveries are already set up for the JTA.


Thanks for the reply. For some reason this doesn’t work with the livery I’m trying.

I’ll definitely check out your liveries though!

Thanks for the links

If the livery has a panel or model folder then they most likely need to be removed and the layout.json regenerated. Also one little typo and the process fails.

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