I think what the Asobo Team should do to fix it easily would be at the very least to move the focal point farther away from the plane in the external view, and then, after that they could work on changing the fov based zoom into a DISTANCE based zoom, so that the perspective can’t get distorted!
Sounds promising, but the proper fix for this should be separate bindings for external camera distance and zoom, not just a specific value in a config file.
has someone already found out which one exactly that parameter is and what values it can be set to?
Because if I could increase the distance to the plane by ~100% and set the zoom to ~70 I would probably be almost completely happy.
The point is just that we tend to move away until we see enough around us and in most sims this is natural because the programmers felt what is about right. For some reasons MSFS sets this up in a way that always leaves me unhappy because I can chose if I look through a distortion lens or be way too close to the plane and therefore only see very little around it, with no good compromise in between. It is as if the programmers don’t use the external view themselves or are not allowed to change it.
I have the same problem with a new 34" ultra-wide LG monitor I just bought. Monitor and MSFS graphics settings are 3440X1440. Even the labels of the other aircraft are stretched and distorted on the left and right portions of the screen.
Yeah, this isn’t just a problem with external views.
On a 5,120x1,440 screen (Samsung G9 49’ monitor), the outer edges are crazily distorted in the cockpit view. It’s super-noticeable when you’re at an airport and looking at aircraft you’re passing.
I no longer think it will come. It has been decided that 4 dimensional space curvature is mandatory because it gives that exciting science-fiction feeling. Or maybe it was foung it makes people stay longer at the computer because they get disoriented and no longer want to stand up.
I would like the ability to set a lockable aspect ratio/default zoom level.
When zoomed all the way out, the aspect ratio, in my opinion, looks ridiculous. It gives a weird warped effect distorting the sides of the image, even when selecting the option to turn this off it still looks weird. I just want it to display properly.
The only way to fix it is to slightly zoom in, I would like the ability to lock this zoom level so I can still use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom in and out without scrolling all the way back out to the God awful default view.
Sorry to say but the camera system has been awful from day one and in my opinion needs a complete overhaul. It’s one of the biggest obstacles in trying to enjoy this simulator. In my opinion who ever designed this camera system has mis-understood what flight simmers want from the camera system. We don’t want silly warped aspect ratio’s with “momentum” whenever we pan the view, save that stuff for Forza. Other things like the outside view having such a small range of motion where as on X-Plane you can basically move the camera as far away as you want, and zoom in and out as much as you want, giving you an infinite amount of customization, it’s simple, fluid and does the job, yours is restrictive, annoying and buggy. It’s things like this which is driving me away, implementing things we never even wanted and not implementing the things we do want.
Sorry to rant but it’s been 2, nearly 3 years and even assigning a button using Ctrl + Num 0 is buggy in the sense that you need to press it twice for it to actually work.