No company here no crash. I just started my career and am on my first mission.
No, only one job with the company and all certifications to scoop.
Ok had a hunch it was live weather related as that kept popping up with error before but I guess its not. Thanks will keep trying to find a workaround
Same to me !
No Missions, can´t do nothing with the companie aircraft ( TBM ), try to repair sell or tansfer, and all it gives is the Unexpected Error, try again later …
loaded and launched back into career mode no issues after Dec2 patch
No Idea what the patch is supposed to fix
Are there release notes posted anywhere
Hello @AM54Rigger,
We always post the release notes in the News & Announcements section of the forums. Here’s a link to today’s patch notes:
Seedy- any comment on the career ctd issue? No acknowledgement above, only a reposting of the notes
Do you own a company? Do you own a C172?
Cargo company with one job done.
All certs to scoop + heli.
+1 here
@SeedyL3205 At a minimum, please keep us updated on this so we don’t feel that this one has gone unnoticed.
Thank you
yes to both
Level 45 here and no company and no crash.
Same here since today, hope they fix it soon. PC ms store version. Other game modes work fine
Same crash here.
PC, Steam. Empty Community Folder.
Cargo Company with C172.
Same here after patch CTD when going into career, This is becoming absolutely ridicules.
I am not sure and i believe we are not interesting in regards of any re-posting about patch notes.
The comments in this post (like any other bugs posts) should be addresses by the community leads with real answers on how and when the issues will be fixed.
The comment post it by the member is an irony for the actual game state.
Since release, i believe half of the people were buying the game most because of the in-game career mode.
Since release career mode had/have issues all over the place, starting with the first press of the button.
Because Microsoft is an AAA + company and have the most powerful cloud computing servers in the world - they suppose until now, after 2 weeks since release, to fix most of the problems with this game, especially the game-breaking once.
Small patches like these, in my opinion, means the company itself does not struggle enough to keep the audience and bring new buyers.
Its my first day , with 2 hours, on this webpage - and i am perplex on how many issues people are posting.
Sorry for my long comment, but if an admin, lead or anyone from Microsoft want his community to praise the product, they should address and fix the problems on daily basis. Any patch should fix issues, not generate other issues.
Thank you
Same here… 1 company 1 plane C172.
Crash when at the hangar screen.
Without career mode, we might as well just go back to 2020.
It’s a terrible look for a studio when customers are flocking back to a 4 year old product.
Yes. Own a company with one heli. Crash here
I thought the initial backlash would make the team step up their QA and you know…double check stuff to clean up their image.
Here we are, first important patch and it broke the very CORE of the sim. Unreal guys, you keep outdoing yourselves.