Carenado Mooney M20R Ovation

The Carenado Mooney comes with full documentation that addresses that actually :slight_smile:

In your directory, find the folder that supports the aircraft and all the docs are in there:

(Mine was in:)

Page 10 of the normal flight procedures manual has the mixture values at cruise
 and page 5 of the Performance Data charts says the same

EGT Peak plus 50 degrees F for best power and EGT Peak minus 50 degrees F for best economy.

So yeah. adjusting your mix to peak EGT was pretty close


The minus bit I get for economy, but how do you go EGT peak plus 50? If you are at peak, then by definition you can’t go higher. From peak you can lower the temperature in two directions, so do they mean rich by 50 for best power, and lean by 50 for best economy?

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One setting is ‘rich of peak’, ie lean to the peak value then go back 50 degrees. The other is ‘lean of peak’, ie lean to the peak value then continue till the egt drops 50 degrees.


Hi guys,

Is anyone having problems when use the Autopilot.
Not sure what happen but now when active the autopilot the plane become crazy.
I practiced some IFR yesterday and today in not working as before.

what kind of problems?

Well, like I say. When I active the autopilot the plane just start to turn up down and don’t follow any of the instruction from the HDG or ATL or NAV. It looks like when the rudder is stuck in a bad position.

Thanks. that makes sense. So I usually run at the very peak, so am probably adding wear to the engine. I wonder if that is modelled, and if were to have damage to systems turned on it would either end my flight, or show engine failure? I don’t care for the black screen just ending my flight, but if the engine sputtered mid flight, and started to fail, that would be a fun situation to deal with.

 but never noticed in the M20R
 only in airplanes with eg. the G1000
 other users reported similar strange reactions, sometimes
 e.g. , and then already mentioned other threads

I didn’t noticed it in the M20 until today, yesterday everything were perfect, but today this, nothing changer no new MOD’s or similar.

Maybe this is my answer.

You are wrong, when at peak, PUSH to get richer mixture until peak-50
 because if you continue to lean until peak-50 mixture will be too poor and you’ll damage engine !

The idea is to lean mixture until minimum fuel quantity then enrich the mixture to avoid damages !

He is right. Your procedure is to obtain a rich of peak (best power), but for cruise is bettter to get a lean of peak (best range and economy). The thing is the mixture is not simulated properly in the sim and its fixed or linear, but the numbers match within the fuel flow table provided, so at least isnt that bad

For example, at 10000 feet, matching the out temp, at 20.2 manifold pressure, at 2300 rpm you are going to get 11.8 fuel flow (econ) at lean of peak with 65% theorical (table) power. If you look the yellow indicator in front of the copilot panel (upper is power, + - 65% match, and bottom are cylinders cht and egt temps) the table matches. If you enrich the mixture (push) until 13.9 fuel flow, you are going to get peak of rich (best power) and again, the yellow indicator is going to show 65% power. I think the 50Âș difference readed in the EGT doesnt match at all when you are enriching or leaning, but the table numbers are accurate in the sim. And of course, In lean of peak, when cruising, the cht temp is going to fall to safe values (± 388Âș), so no damage to the engine

Rich of peak: Best power, high fuel flow
Lean of peak: Best econ, lower fuel flow

Sin tĂ­tulo

This video is very informative to learn the mixture basics:


Does anyone know
 is the elevator trim switch next to the boost pump is functional, and what does it do? Or supposed to do?

Also, rudder trim either seems to be automatic or isnt modeled
 i’ve never had to adjust it.

Just quickly, if your CHT get’s too high, the procedure is to either reduce power until temperatures fall, to richen the mixtures (as in, introduce more “cool” fuel to lower temparatures), or both.

yes, its true
 the fuel serves as coolant too.

I notice that airspeed contributes to cool the cylinders too. More airspeed, more cool. Its useful when climbing at high power. If you climb “fast” (>120 knots airspeed) you are going to reduce more “heat” and prevent the cht going to high when high power output. In aproaches to landing, because we are going “slow”, the cht goes up quikly.

this is his purpose, but its inoperative in the M20R

Sin tĂ­tulo

Ohh I see, ok.

Do you happen to know how long the engine can be kept with the CHT in the yellow ark savely?

I was having A/P issues too and found the KFC-150 pilot guide helpful, especially on how best to use the KAS 297B Altitude Selector. Here’s what I found works best:

  1. After engine start and while on the ramp, enable FD and HDG on the KFC 150.

  2. Set desired altitude on the KAS 297B and select ARM.

  3. Set heading bug on the PNI to runway heading.

  4. After t/o, switch on the A/P. The plane should begin a default 500ft/min climb toward armed altitude. To increase/decrease rate of climb, use the UP/DN toggle on the KFC 150 (do not use the vertical speed function on the KAS 297B).

  5. Use the HDG bug to intercept the flight plan path, then engage NAV on the KFC150.

  6. When ready to descend, set the new altitude on the KAS 297B and press ARM, controlling descent rate with UP/DN toggle on the KFC 150.

Hope this helps.


This is what i found:

Caution zone: yellow arc 420-460Âș
Maximum on takeoffs, continous: 460Âș

What to do if too high: Enrich mixture, increase airspeed, and reduce power

So, as long as you dont exceed 460, you are fine, but only for continuos max power

The manual:


Just one correction, never enable HDG before t/o or your aircraft will immediatly try to take this heading while you’re still on the runway, the same thing is true for ALT or your aircraft will climb before t/o and it usually doesn’t finish well 

Is it considered bad practise to have them armed though? I use the Logitech panels, so when communicating with ATC, and filing my plan, I enter in the ALT, and VS I want, while on the ramp, but I don’t enable the AP obviously. Then after take-off I know I can simply either enter the heading I am instructed to use, or my next waypoint, tap NAV/HDG accordingly, and finally tap the AP button, or the right button on my yoke.

I could see not entering those just in case you enable AP by accident would be safer, and I assume with nothing entered the AP just flies level, although I don’t think I ever tested that.