Cessna Longitude Takeoff procedure

First of all, I am talking about the sim. Secondly, he can correct me if I’m wrong, but I understood his question to mean that he wanted to know if he needs to push his throttle to takeoff settings and then back them off to climb settings during the climb phase. That is what I answered specifically the fact that during takeoff in the Longitude, all you need to do is move the thrust levers to around 50% (provided the AT is armed), and they’ll advance by themselves to the TO position.

You can’t do this in-sim because once you arm the AT the thrust levers advance without waiting for you to move the levers.

All the speeds I gave were examples. I didn’t elaborate on those because his question was on where to set the thrust levers (at least that’s what I understood it to be. He can tell I misunderstood him).

My main point to him is that he doesn’t need to touch the throttle, all he needs to do is set his speed as he chooses, but because of sim limitation, he needs to retard it himself whereas IRL, with AT armed all you do is set your V-speeds and as you cross the threshold (50’), the throttles will retard themselves and automatically disengage AT

That’s exactly what I want to know as well. When and how does the Longitude reduce thrust from takeoff to climb, in the sim (and IRL)?

Well, with the AT armed, you move the throttles to about 50% and it goes to “TO” (“HOLD” if you don’t arm the AT or if you move the levers too gradually that AT doesn’t engage). Stays there until you select autopilot, which you can do once you’re above 400’. As soon as you select FLC, it changes to climb power (PFD indicates “CLIMB”).


That’s what I wanted to know, thanx :+1:

Ok, just tested. After takeoff the I see the CLIMB mode on the PFD with FLC enhaged but the climb rate is more than 6000ft/min with engines at 98% n1… It climbs like a rocket… is it realistic?

Depends on the weight. Even airliners can climb at such high rates at low weight.

edit: just checked my CJ2+ manuals and even this certainly not overpowered aircraft climbs at >5000ft/min at low weight and cruise climb.

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