Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

Disconnetting and reconnecting the network works for me too

I had an update just now, 600MB approximately.
Now the sim won’t launch, I have a CTD everytime I launch it…
Bloody update broke the sim.

I tried everything here and nothing…I didn’t try CTD this year and I promise I really liked the Sim after SU15. Well, I completely uninstalled it and won’t install it again for now… It could be a great idea to have an option to stop the “update” like Windows has in the settings, like pausing for up to 7 days etc… It’s a pain to make the sim works without problems. A lot adjustments, so much effort to perfectly adjust the settings, addons… and because of a “mandatory” update system you break the Sim. Now it’s time to download everything again… well, not today for sure! See you.

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I have had this on around 60% of my sim session starts.

I tried waiting and after 15-minutes I stopped waiting and restarted the sim. I find network activity high in status monitor.

I now just close and restart the sim until I get a successful sim launch.

I have noticed that when you boot the sim it says signing in, checking for updates, starting in countdown then the Asobo/black magic splash screens then it boots correctly into the sim.

On the times it gets stuck in the checking for updates loop, the sequence above misses out the checking for updates bit after the signing in message every time then does starting countdown and then the splash screens and the checking for update loop starts.

My personal view on the ‘workarounds’ is that it’s coincidental that anything works and it’s either load or there is some missing error handling when something that is contacted doesn’t respond.

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We understand how incredibly frustrating this is folks, and rest assured that we are investigating this as a priority.

Please ensure that you fill in the new survey we’ve created to gather data as best as you can, so that we can feed this back to the development team.

Whilst you’re always welcome to convey negative sentiment on these forums, especially when there is a problem like this affecting so many, please can I request that we keep comments constructive as per our Code of Conduct. Comments that aren’t constructive do nothing but take our time away from being able to try to help.

Once again, we are continuing to investigate this and appreciate your patience and feedback. We’ll be sure to provide any further information when we are able to do so.


It´s totally safe to do that. That´s a Windows side change only. Game still detects addons version by means of this string inside “manifest.json” file, which is inside the addon folder: “package_version”.

Your proposed change therefore does not change game contents themselves.


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did this :+1:

Stuck on the pre game loading screen with the blue bar all the way to the right.

Nothing happens, even 10 mins later. Anybody else?

Series X

When I started the sim last night, I got a UAC alert. This is normal when there’s an update and I just click Yes, but this time I clicked No just to see what happens (I like to live on the edge sometimes).

The sim started up and got to the Checking for updates screen. Normally, this should only take a few seconds, and if it takes longer I know I’m suffering from the current bug and I know to restart the sim (the workaround that’s always worked for me).

This time it seemed to be stuck, and just as I was reaching for the mouse, there really was an update! Just a small one and judging by the filename that was downloading, something to do with airports. Very fast download, too.

After it finished (didn’t take long), the sim had its sleeves rolled up and was ready. Out of curiosity I exited gracefully and restarted the sim. I got the UAC alert again (forgot about that) and this time I clicked Yes. The sim started with no issue at all. To see if it was just luck, I restarted again, and again no problem.

Maybe it’s fixed, and maybe not, but fingers, arms, legs and eyes crossed.


Easy Temporary fix (at least for PC)

  1. When checking for updates appear, wait about 15 seconds to see it it continues.

  2. If not, disconnect Internet, and you will get the CONNECTION LOST message (and it will get past the PlayFabAPI hang up, waiting for a valid response)

  3. Then just reconnect Internet, and it will proceed to load MSFS.

Just do not wear out your Ethernet Socket or plug !!!

Since the cause is known, the correct fix cannot be far away

REF PlayFabAPI issue
Checking for updates? No, we're way past that - #312


give it a try next time :heart_eyes:

Hi @N6722C,

Just to confirm we have not yet fully established the root cause, or have any information available as to when a fix may be available for users.

As stated we’ll provide more information when we are able to do so!

The MSFS Team

Maybe not the ROOT cause, but I believe it is now clear what is causing the “Checking for updates” to HANG, and thus why the above temporary “work around” works.

Just disable your adapter.

Edit: or disconnect from the taskbar. Occam’s razor and all that.

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This morning, Europe location and time, Microsoft Store update Microsoft Store and Xbox apps…
Now , my start with MSFS dont stuck in “checking for uodates”.
Can you try it?..
Thaks a lot.
And dont ask for Disk insert too.

POST 10 minutes later test:
Again stuck.
Placebo efect, no solution in our hands.

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it’s a server issue or internet connection issue…
if it is stuck on checking updates and i activate the vpn…after few seconds the splash screen appears and it continues to load
fix the servers asobo, or the code for he initial connection
but definitely is totally random

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Disconnect/ reconnect… The results are the same CTD’s

The last update broke the game


Interesting, what country do you set the VPN to?

Maybe the root cause is that MSFS suddenly became sentient (some scraps of AI code is there for all those cars driving around) and is kinda mad that 2024 has been announced to ‘replace’ it…

BTW, the topic isn’t solved so why this ?

Only serves to make the situation more annoying, really.