Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

Back again happening today - absolutely ridiculous!


This is what appears to be be writting to the HD, when checking on updates. !!

In this case 141 files …


that doesnt look right!

No Kidding :nauseated_face:

I kill the process in task manager and restart the sim.

Wow I am at a loss of words

Same here. Stuck checking updates. I see that MSFS is downloading lot of GB of data at high speed. After 15min downloading at 2.8Gb/s finally it started sim.

I have had this issue since yesterday when after waiting I eventually got an update. It was then fine while I repeatedly rebooted the sim and sometimes the PC while bashing my head against a frame rate issue in VR which was ongoing from before this issue, it working good until this week. Later though the stuck on checking for updates reappeared and I got past that to load the sim after some tens of minutes waiting. I gave up for bed then.
Now have the same issue this afternoon (UK) and followed the advice here to disconnect the internet and restart the internet. This produced a 0 Byte update screen which when I hit continue has gone to the New Activities splash screen and is currently stuck on that!

Ended the sim and restarted stuck on checking and loaded normally but a tad slow after about 20 minutes.

I ended the stuck process, went into Steam and left the beta. Started MSFS as normal. Got a small update. Sim booted up fine.

This might be the first actual workaround posted in this thread and it is not coming from an official source. Why am I not surprised :wink:

Again…it is a workaround and NOT a fix. And who knows it may not even work every time.
But it gets the Game past the annoying Checking for Updates screen and then goes on to work normal.

Thank You Sir for a great service to the community.

May I respectfully ask how posting a poll can be considered a solution…a solution to a problem that still very much exists ??
I am really trying to be polite here, so Hester40MT doesn’t feel obligated to ban me again.

So far we have seen a few possible work arounds posted. Some seemed to work for some, but not for others…ok.
The latest one offered by @geoffda is looking pretty good for me so far.
But even that is not a Solution…that is still a workaround.
The FIX must come from Asobo. It is 100% not on the user end.

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Worked once this am… but now the same issue. This has not been solved. At best there might be a work around that might work the odd time for some while it does not for others but is far off being solved or fixed.

Another international flight today, in less than an hour, and can’t get the ■■■■ sim to get passed "CHECKING FOR UPDATES:. Please fix this.

There is no work around. It’s all purely coincidental.

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A miracle! More details: after waiting over 20mins of just leaving the PC stuck at “Checking for Updates” the sim is finally starting to load the blue line… but moving very so slowly… hopefully it will get in this time?

In any event, this topic has NOT been solved but something on the server side either trying to verify or check something or if there is insufficient servers, waiting for open slots of bandwidth to permit loading. I have not idea at this point but we require a seamless and consistent load of the sim.

They must have fixed something in the wee hours of the night. Was able to load with no hang on updates and no CTD. Wonder if they will share with us what happened.

Nope, this morning I loaded the sim without issue… so I too thought it might be fixed… but an hour ago… 5 tries no go, then just left it after starting and 20mins later it started to load up… and voila 30mins of load time and finally in… so this is definitely not fixed yet, by any means.

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Yep, your right. Just completed a flight from KEWR to KATL. Shut the game down and tried to reload. It’s stuck on checking for updates again. I’ll let it continue as you did and see if it eventually loads. How frustrating.

OK, it stayed on checking for updates for about 10 minutes and then loaded properly. Maybe they are getting close to a fix.

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Just had same- hang on checking for updates - now i got this small update:


It’s doing it again

A heads up that we added one new poll question at the top: