Control Preferences Not saving --- Really frustrating, looking for solution --

Spent some time experimenting with this more to try and find a solution. And in the process found more bugs, or if normal, very strange behavior.

Profile Manager:

For each device you can save customer profiles, which is neat. However, if you need to delete said profile, you can only do that once before you need to exit back out to the main menu before doing it again. The Delete button goes away after deleting a profile on said device after deleting a profile and staying in the controls menu. Changing profiles on the same device ,or going to another profile on another device the delete button will be gone. Dropping out to the main menu, then going back in to restores the button.

Default Controls (F12):

Same issue as above. After defaulting settings for a device, you have to drop back to the main menu before you can do it again.

Starting Fresh:

I wiped everything and started over. I created a new profile (just for yoke) by editing my controls as normal. Camera settings …… Sorta works. The views will snap back to the correct direction, but with a slant up or down or different zoom from where I saved. Improvement? Okay, I’ll take it.

This also goes for the snap left / snap right defaults. Snap left sometimes snaps more up looking into the wing, or more down looking at the door frame. Completely random… But when it chooses a certain way, it seems to stay for that flight.

Rest of the control settings (Keyboard dead zones etc) keep now.


Camera is still a bugged out mess, but the pre-sets seem to keep after wiping everything and starting over.