Cowan Simulation MD 500 E helicopter

agreed - I have had to reduce sensitivity for both the Cowan releases (all my other aircraft use linear) - not sure if the flight models are designed to be used with a short reach stick, or if they are “designed” to be used with a full length helicopter stick. But i reduced sensitivity to about 50%.

I was under the impression that with AAU1 and the yesterdays WT marketplace update that the 530 in the MD500 would be the new version… but it still seems to be the old one. I miss Track Up view!

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Cowansim probably has to make the change manually. The new Garmin 530 is cool yes.

I like the terrain page as well. Very handy for mountain flying.


It’s been mentioned that developers have to swap over to this new system manually. The version of the 530 on Marketplace supposedly replaces the default 530 in 3rd party addons with the new version until developers make the switch. (I have not tried it)

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When hovering, yes, but I doubt that so much left pedal and so much left cyclic/bank is required at cruise speeds. That to me seems to be completely off.


Maybe it would be a good idea to find out the facts from a real helicopter pilot rather than going on what seems correct? Just a thought.

That is the idea. I’m hoping to get the input from real 500e pilots. Any suggestion how to find them? Btw, real helicopter pilots tell me that that kind of behavior is certainly not observed in other types, such as the 206. But like you, I would like to hear from real life 500e pilots.


Thanks for the info. I have flown helicopters a total of 3 times in the sim and this is my only 3rd party one, so I did not know. I got into it to explore in my VR flights and went straight to exploring and seeing if it could do loops & rolls, rather than straight to reading the FAA manual. You’ll have to forgive me.

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I would agree. I also have a massive dive and climb issue with a tiny movement of the cyclic. Was really looking forward to this but it will remain in the hanger until the issues are fixed.


ok thanks - if the wait for it to come to orbx is to long I may have to get it from the cowan store : ) …has anyone tried the ini store software? (presuming it will also launch there eventually but have never used there software)

also is the 500E modeling rotor wash in msfs? (sure I saw it in an early version of the H145…)

Hehehe who likes reading manuals… I did the same in FSX. Fly first read manual later.

I’ll be honestly annoyed if the cyclic is desensitised to the level of the Cabri, that is absurdly unresponsive for a helicopter ( and not realistic either ). The 500 has some snap pitch issues at speed ( which I already mentioned ) but not always, in a hover or at low speeds it’s perfectly fine.and what I’d expect from a lightweight helicopter like this.

Why on earth is there so much turbulence noise from rolling? it doesn’t have a wing…


Reading the thread (& credit to the official product description), it was clear that the 500E wasn’t the finished piece so i thought I’d wait on updates before buying. That only lasted a couple of days & I’m really glad. Loving it so far despite a few little oddities that’ll be fixed/improved.

I will admit, I’ve set my stick & pedals sensitivity to -30. Still feels far more lively, light & tricky than the 407 & Cabri but at least with a Thrustmaster T16000M & T. Flight Pedals setup, it feels more realistic to me.


I love this helicopter, few evident bugs but I’m confident that with next Asobo SU as well as Cowan updates it will become better and better.

Couple of things happening here:

  1. Once I rotate throttle to 100%, text says “GOVERNOR:OFF”, but it seems of course on.

  2. Once landed, not able anymore to rotate throttle grip back to idle. Grip seems start rotating (mouse over it and scroll wheel), but it then jumps back to full throttle position. It can be rotated back to idle or off, only pulling the fuel valve out…

Any idea?


I don’t think that’s a bug. Other than percentages and compass degrees the tool tips in MSFS usually don’t show the current condition of an item, but what happens next when you actuate it.

It don’t know right now where the control for the govenor is located, so this still might be a bug, mind you. :wink:

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Yes, you’re right about tooltips in MSFS, if more states they indeed indicates next selection.

About grip not able to be rotated back to idle or off, still not clear. But it can, if I push/pull the fule valve, cutting off the engine. Pretty sure this will be solved.

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

I fly VR and the cockpit by night looks amazing! :heart_eyes:
It feels better than their 206, just abit too agil on the pedals.

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I inquired with Cowan support about this. They confirmed that fixing the overzealous trims is already on their to-do list, and will require writing custom code to workaround this default sim trim behavior. So that’s good news.


It’s literally one number per trim to adjust them in the cfgs…

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Asking for corroboration on this - if I do my engine runup & then do a cyclic check, I’ll overtorque if the cyclic is forwards or to port, is that happening to anyone else?

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