CTD After WU4 - Clear your community folders!

In my case was related with visual c++. Saw this in the event Long in Windows. Reisnstalled visual C+ 3.5 and now no more ctds in the games. Check in event viewer applications look for flightsimulator.exe and you will see the reason. Works in my case.

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I don’t know if there is any add-on that requires a stand-alone WASM module that is sold on the MS Marketplace so, instead of the Community folder, it would be located in the Official folder.

Probably not, but it won’t hurt searching there too. If you don’t find any modules, than it simply means that in YOUR case, the CTD on start is not caused by a stand-alone WASM module, but something else entirely.

A stand-alone WASM module active will surely crash the sim, 100% of the time, but that doesn’t automatically means every possible crash is caused by that.

Cannot see anything more than Flightsimulator.exe itself…

My error was this. Vcruntimee140.dll

I cannot find any standalone .wasm files in the Official folder…
I found 3 folders in C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\ that apparently keeps the state from session to session for plugins with .vasm modules. There were folders for the DA40 and DA62 fix, and a mobiflight-event-module. I had already removed the plugins in the Community folder, but the local State files are obviously kept. Was hoping removing these 3 folders in LocalState manually would help, but still CTD…

WASM - a java script module “WebASsemblyModule” and/or saves files in a *.wasm type.

mobiflight = hardware software for add=on buttons, boxes, switches etc. like those crazy cockpits you see with all the radios, dashboards etc. with working switches.

I assume this affects not only my custom made g1000 panels but anyone with a RealSimGear device or the like. I can’t believe they released it like this.

Tried this and it didnt fix the CTD…

I think that MS have to rethink this update process. It is way too difficult. Having to rebuild my community folder is a pain in the butt. There has to be a better way to update without breaking stuff.

since the update i cant fly over France, every time i try to select an airport or fly over Paris for example CTD…every time…my comunity folder is empty…it is really frustrating, i reinstalled the game and happens also. no modules in my case

I was having the problems of my Aerosoft CRJ and FBW A320 Causing the SIM to CTD as soon as selected. The only way that I could bring the SIM up was by having an empty Community folder. I decided to completely remove the SIM and re-install it. It took 6 hours to do this but now I can use both the CRJ and FBW. Thought this would help someone.

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I would call this wishful thinking.

Only if the hardware uses WASM. Not sure what Real Sim Gear stuff uses. I know they have their own drivers / bridge, but I don’t know if it’s via WASM or not.

And believe it. Beta testers reported the issue with WASM shortly after the beta went live. Asobo chose to ignore the reports.

I have the Real Sim Gear G1000 and it CTD every time its load the RS device interface. I am assuming it uses that WASM. Anyone heard any word on a timeline for the hotfix?

There’s been no word. I honestly wouldn’t expect a hotfix. If it gets fixed, it will be with the next major update. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see this as affecting enough of the user base for them to make it a high priority fix.

Well at least real sim gear acknowledged it.
Last updated 4/14/21

MSFS2020 has changed modules with regard to how our Addon (along with many others) behaves with the sim. MSFS has acknowledged the problem and we hope they will address it soon. Remove the RSG addon for now. Updated information will be posted here as it comes to hand.

You will need to remove the RSG Addon from the community folder.
Windows store default path:

C:\Users[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Packages\ Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Commu

They catch here is that the creators of the WASM modules can’t do anything about it. At all. It’s an issue with the sim itself. Even the example WASM module with the SDK causes a CTD. Until Asobo release a fix, anyone using anything WASM module is out of luck.

But hey, where’s the problem? We can all just play it with XBOX controllers and no outboard gear, just as intended.

Exactly! it’s starting to feel like the ‘PC first” they peddled for so long at the beginning is a distant memory. They have their eyes set on Xbox money. This instantly made it useless to me. Guess it’s back to P3D.


I have also just downloaded the update.

When the game is busy loading and it gets to the screen…Spotlight Landing challenge, the game CTDs

I have removed all content in the Community folder
Disabled Simbriefs flight plan background link
Removed the new Cooler Master plug and play headset that i bought today

Still get the ctd on loading. Nothing has changed from all the previous updates where i never had any issues

Do you have SPAD.next or Real Sim gear or any other device you use?

No. Nothing. I only have the working title g3000. The fbw a320 mod. The tbm 930 improvement in my community folder. I have removed them and stored them in a different drive. Still no luck.