Hi @Jamaekjoo,
The rolling cache is located in the folder “LocalCache” as a separate file “ROLLINGCACHE.CCC”
The “LocalCache” also contains other files and folders. When you delete rolling cache from the menu, it only deletes the file “ROLLINGCACHE.CCC” and not the top level folder “LocalCache”.
Turning rolling cache OFF keeps the file as-is but does not use it. You will need to click on “Delete” from the DATA options menu. This should also automatically turn the rolling cache to “OFF”. Assure you click on “Save & Apply” at the bottom of the screen.
It is safe to manually delete the file “ROLLINGCACHE.CCC” (assure MSFS isn’t running) if it is not deleting from the menu, but it is better to do from the menu. If rolling cache is “ON” when you manually delete, it may recreate that file on next launch.
A suggested size that Asobo mentioned was 8GB to 32GB. Others have used a larger size. Others found no performance gained and do not use it. I have no difference in using it but keep mine at the 8GB default.