DA62X Improvement Mod (v1.0?, OCT 4)

swing swing


With the WT G1000NXi, on the engine indications, the words “LOAD%” and “RPM” were missing from the respective readouts on the MFD with the current version of

The readout labels were missing in the “Title” section of the panel.xml

Now if I can find a way to make the indications turn yellow when exceeding 95% Load and 2200 RPM, that would be quite cool.

Awesome work on the trim systems!!



The post thas the link

@MrTommymxr can you share any plans you’re doing for this year on the DAs and the JT-A?

you really love that thing do you

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I am the unofficial Secretary of the four person JT-A Club ™ after all. :grinning:


Five person!

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Does anyone notice a tendency to roll left? Or, maybe this is normal for the DA62?

Not that I have noticed.

Do you have weight set for the PIC but not for anyone else? That shifts the CG left.

I do, but it’s only about 15 lbs. I try to minimize it as I know that will cause rolling into the heavier side.

Assuming you’ve already checked to see if the problem is your peripherals not centering or something, one thing I would check is if the rudder trim is centered. If it is, maybe try trimming it a bit to the right?

I notice some left banking on the C310 as well, but that has aileron trim which is obviously preferable over rudder trim for adjusting roll. The DA62 only has pitch and rudder trim IIRC. But rudder trim should still provide a tiny bit of roll in the desired direction, just note that you’ll become very uncoordinated if you use a lot of rudder trim for roll.

Hey guys I’m just trying to install the DA62X mod again, I have used it in the past. I put the folder “DA62X” in my community folder, as always, but I’m not seeing the model with the grey triangle in aircraft selection. Pulled all other mods out of community, still not working.

Any ideas on what I might try? Using v9.1.1

Yeah, you’re probably placing the wrong folder into the community folder. You need to place the “DA62X” folder into community, not “DA62Xv0.9.1.1_RItDn”

It’s the DA62X folder. I’ve got a pretty solid understanding of how the community folder works.

I’m wondering if it has something to do with the G1000? I noticed that if I just select the stock DA62, the PFD is black.

There is no model with a grey triangle? This is my hangar with the Mod installed.

No grey triangle. I’ve had this working in the past, never had any issues.

Right. I meant to say there isn’t any grey triangle in my installation. So I’m not sure that was ever an indication that the mod was installed or not.

You’ve got the grey triangle. Bottom left of the aircraft picture, on both the 62 and the 40ng. Look at how the erco looks for comparison.