DA62X Improvement Mod (v1.0?, OCT 4)

Is this the one you’re referring to?


He mentioned flying the DA62X in a previous stream and testing the flight model, that was the part I was gonna go looking for, but I didn’t, since Tommy mentioned that he caught that stream.

I hope you also noticed that I said “it’s my favorite mod”. I’m your fanboi on Twitch, shilling for the DA62X wherever I can. :rofl:

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Whatever has happened, traffic has increased by 80-100%. Was averaging 80-100 downloads a day, now almost reaching 200. Not to mention the spike from updates
More downloads are nice, but im getting overwhelmed with questions sometimes.

anyway, TY guys.


Now he is back!
Thank you!

I’ve looked into that and just stumbled upon the part (around middle of the stream) where he mentioned how well behaves the plane, pretty close to PoH with negligable differences and only mentioned avionics as a current shortcoming as all other aspects were pretty fine according to him.

My suggestion is to leave the general, already many times answered topics for longer time, only if they’re not answered for several days should you jump in.
It’d be good to have a pinned RTFM page with links to all available documents (or at least mentioning the flightsim.to FAQ to make more people aware of that) but the main message should be:

  1. Read back as much as you can first, preferably starting from the beginning.
  2. Use search function with several search options before considering your question as new one.
  3. Check the embedded documents and the FAQ.
  4. Only after these, if you still have questions ask here but with already narrowed-down topic - because if you’ve done everything suggested before you must already have a good understanding of how mods generally work and how is this mod evolved.

I have this. Cant miss it


my girlfriend’s store was closed for the whole day yesterday.

With HUGE boards written on it that it was closed.
Some were still banging on the door to get inside

Dont underestimate people’s dumbness lol


We can fix that for you, if you let us.

Turn the FAQ into a shared document. A few options I can think of, maybe someone has an even better idea:

  • a Google Docs document (easy to set up, easy to manage, very low threshold for contributors, would probably need a URL redirect to make FAQ URLs more manageable),
  • a page on a hosted wikimedia instance (probably reasonably easy to find, somehow easy to manage, possibly tainted by ads),
  • a Github page (probably harder to manage, high threshold for contributors, because they need an account and at least rudimentary knowledge of Github and version control systems, but it could also hold the project code and encourage contributions to the project itself).

Using a shared document that DA62X users can contribute to has two main benefits:

  • Users adding to or refining the FAQ will feel ownership. They become part of a community project, and they can make a difference, not only by helping others, but also by helping you to spend less time on support. This will keep you from burning out or getting bored, and you can spend as much or as little time on the project as you want, and we all profit from that.
  • Users with slightly less technical understanding will be able to refine the FAQ answers so they make sense to people with no technical understanding. For example, I bet half of the DA62X users have no idea what SimConnect is, what it does, how it relates to the DA62X, and if they try to find out, they’re going down an endless rabbit hole full of confusing information that is probably not even applicable to their specific problem. For you and me, a FAQ answer mentioning SimConnect without context makes total sense. For someone new to the sim, it’s just meaningless technobabble.

We turn the FAQ into a document that will answer basically all the questions that come up, and we respond to those questions not by telling people to RTFM, or by linking to the FAQ, but by linking to specific sections in the FAQ, quoting the part of the answer that seems most likely to help the person asking the question. People who just wanted their specific problem solved will walk away happy. People who are curious might skim the whole FAQ and learn more about their aircraft. And some of the people will stick around and use the same method to help the next person, or even contribute to the FAQ in some way.

(reference: “Kristian Köhntopp: Flames”, FrOSCon 2014 talk in German, available on Youtube)


It’s a good mod and fun to fly. I was having a couple of hiccups after SU5 with some things in my Community folder so while I was reintroducing mods to find out which of the kids were misbehaving, I did a couple of flights in the stock DA62. Whoa. What a dog.

People don’t read, and don’t want to. they wanna complain and get deluxe service.


I’d stick to RTFM first, ask later as this is not a paid service, everyone should do their homework. However I absolutely agree with your approach of making documentation a bit more open, even if not for everyone to edit but some volunteers to help Mr. Tommy out.
I hereby apply for such “position”, maintaining the docs and checking for content/linking if needed.
I suggest a Wiki style stuff, as it’smore familiar to the majority.

I paid real money for premium deluxe. I must receive premium deluxe treatment!

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My point is that there’s no good karma in telling someone to RTFM. Most people already do, or Tommy would get 200 questions every day, assuming that everybody downloading the mod has just one question.

The people having questions are the ones who “don’t read, and don’t want to”. They’re not necessarily bad or lazy. Give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they’re dyslexic (roughly 10% of us are), or they’re really struggling with the technical jargon (be it computer jargon or aviation jargon or both), or they just couldn’t find the FAQ tab on flightsim.to or were intimidated by a forum thread with 1800+ posts, or they did read everything, but misunderstood something crucial.

My approach caters to them: with very little effort – one copy-and-paste plus one link – we probably solve their problem and make them happy… and what’s bad about them feeling they got deluxe service? There’s your good karma. But it also encourages some of the people to read more than they would’ve read otherwise. And it encourages a subset of that group to help others, in a virtuous circle.

But, hey, I just proposed an approach I believe in. It cannot work if Tommy is not on board and he doesn’t seem to be interested.

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Used an app to control my add-on’s and that way it was not a problem to add the mod, works now without deleting anything.
Great improvement! The only thing what’s bothering me is the sensitivity of the ailerons, actually lack of sensitivity. I even have the sensitivity set to 100% to make it a little flyable.
I do fly a DA42 and DA40 in real life, this behavior is way off.
Is there something I’m doing wrong in settings or is it the way you’ve set it up?
Thanks for the mod, it helps a lot for training since most items on the checklist are working now!

Interesting. A friend of mine who just started with MSFS reported the same issue. In Tommy’s FAQ, it is mentioned that you should set the controller sensitivity to linear. But it sounds that there is another problem.

Maybe a livery problem? Have you used a custom one?

When I try to use the working title G1000 v0.4.1 with MrTommy’s DA62, both G1000 screens are just blank. When I remove the Working Title, they work properly, but no extended engine pages. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong.
I have WT 0.4.1 (latest), and DA62 0.4.5.
I have dropped all folders into the community folder; it looks like this:

  • DA62X
  • workingtitle-g1000

When I remove WT, the default G1000s work fine.
I have tried to search for a solution on the forum, but figuring out the right keyword… ugh, it’s just frustrating.
Any ideas?

No real idea other than:

  1. In the early times it was suggested to rename the folders so WT addons are earlier in alphabet than modded aircrafts. Like adding zy_ to WT mods and zz_ to ACs as prefix.
  2. if you have just updated the mods be sure to delete them completely and install from fresh package, not just overwriting the previous version.
  3. Try it with the basic blue built-in livery too. The new black one has caused issues for me (putting FADEC out)