DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

Thank you very much, really thank you

All - A real Pilot (not F-14 Driver) and I created this one. You may use it, but only distribute it for this sim only. This was also sent to DC Designs and they thought it was good. I think personally the one in the game misses some of these steps which should be completed. The official Natops manual for the B and D models is on the net. Happy reading and flying.

Checklist F-14-A-B - On Parking Ramp Only – Cold and Dark

Cockpit Prep

☐ Park brake…………………………………………………………………. Set/ON

☐ External Covers/Walkaround………………………………………. OFF/Complete

☐ Battery Master……………………………………………….…………………ON

☐ Lights………………………………………………….………………. As Required

☐ Flaps………………………………………………………………………. Retracted

☐ Wings……………………………………….……………………Manual Oversweep

☐ Fuel Valves……………………………….……………….……. Pull CLOSED/OFF

☐ Fuel Quantity………………………………….………………………………. Check

☐ Oxygen Levels…………………………………….………….………………. Check

☐ GPU (Ground Power Unit).………….…………………………. Connected and ON

☐ Inlet Ramps……………………………………………………………………. Stow

☐ Auto Throttle………………………………………………………………….…OFF

☐ A.F.C.S.………………………………………….………………………………. OFF

☐ HUD………………………………………………….…………………………. OFF

Before Start

☐ Beacon (Anticollision)………………………….…………………………………ON

☐ Generators………………………………………………………………….……. OFF

☐ Avionics Master………………………………….………………………….……OFF

☐ RIGHT Starter……………………………………….………………………. Engage

☐ RIGHT Fuel Valve - Open at 13% RPM or above…………………. Push OPEN/ON

☐ RIGHT Generator – Default on-CHECK.……………….………………………. ON

☐ GPU…………………………………………………………………………Disconnect

☐ Chocks…………………………………………………….……………………Remove

Repeat above steps for LEFT Engine

After Start

☐ Avionics Master………………………………….………………….…………… ON

☐ HUD………………………………………………….……………………………ON

☐ Inlet Ramps……………………………….………………………………………Auto

☐ A.F.C.S…………………………………………………………………….………ON

☐ Navaids ……………………………………………………………….……………SET

☐ Takeoff Briefing – Internal between Pilot and RIO - Complete


☐ Brakes………………………………………………………………………. Checked

☐ Taxi Light………………………………….……………………….……………. ON

☐ Warning Lights……………………………………………………….…. CHECKED

☐ Caution and Advisory Lights……………………….……………….……Considered

Page 2 F-14-A-B On Parking Ramp Only – Cold & Dark Checklist

Line Up Checks

☐ Cockpit………………………………………….…………….…………. Secured

☐ Display Mode………………………….……………………….………. Take Off

☐ ICE Protection……………………………….……………….………………Auto

☐ Wing Sweep (Cover Closed) …….…………………………….Auto (20 degrees)

☐ Nose Wheel Extend/Kneel…………….…………………………Set for Operation

☐ Flaps…………………………………….……………………. ANY/As Required

☐ Antiskid…………………………………………….………………………. Both

☐ Lights…………………………………………………………………………. ON

☐ Transponder……………………………………………………….……………Alt

☐ Heading……………………………….……….………………….………CHECK

Check List Complete. Gain ATC Permission to Take Off, check cross traffic.

Some caveats, Generators are ON by default when battery switch is turned on, you can turn them off maybe, you can also use AIR START inlu of the manual method here. Avionics are off until after both engines are at idle, because of stray voltage which could fry all the stuff. You should not turn on fuel valves until 13% engine RPMs are realized otherwise could have hot start, fire. Not sure if the fire bottle works on this plane.

*At some point the “Maverick add on” will be released for MSFS-Carrier operations are supposed to be in that release, this check list item is for that day whenever.

A follow up on this list, you as pilot should have read Training Manual at least once and become familiar with where the controls for this plane are located and you should practice finding them in day and night, anticipate light and cockpit lighting failure, so you can find controls in the dark. If Flying A model, be doubly aware of tendency of plane to Compressor Stall and enter a flat Spin, recovery procedures are in the manual. At low airspeeds, this plane has tendency to become uncontrollable, especially at approach and landing. The NATOPS (Naval Air Training & Operations Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) Manual) is available online for download. The A, B and D models’ version are out, plus the pocket checklist guide (all systems checklists).

This checklist is not warranted, or guaranteed to be free from defects, omissions, and errors. You use it at your own risk, nor is it to be considered “complete for real world plane. It works for this one simulator version.

Copywrite by Rob Forrest, and Montgomery D. Bonner, September 26, 2021, SIMULATOR USE ONLY


Hey Dean,

I’m wondering whether it is possible to adjust the HUD up and down vertically in the cockpit? I’ve been looking at the HUD and my seat height/eye line as per real world (having sat in an F-14 Tomcat cockpit), and once I have the camera height set correctly, a good 2/5 of the hud is off screen.

If I set the camera height for the HUD in cockpit then I’m too low in the cockpit and can’t see the exterior parts of the aircraft such as the tails and air intakes next to the fuselage.

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Don’t know this will help, but you can change height by pushing the up and down arrows on KB. That changes seat height, not sure it helps with the Hud. See if holding it down with left mouse button moves it, seems to me experienced the same thing, and just pushed the arrows. I also can adjust my angle doing the same thing with left mouse and then moving it around to raise and lower my view. Try that.

There is a TopGun painted F-14 on the USS Midway in San Diego as well. :slight_smile: I have some pictures of from the last time I was there way back in 2015…

All - I lost pictures for 2016, which is where I think I went to Air Museum and the F-14 was there. I also thought I would have them from Palm Springs Air Museum, alas, not one of the F-14 in the bunch. It was pristine, If I can just remember where they were. Pima Air Museum in Palm Springs is an excellent place to visit, but the AMARG and museum in Tucson, AZ is one of the best aside form Offit AF museum and of course the One in Pensacola, FL.

I moved the up arrow to get the right perspective in the cockpit but the question is about moving the HUD display on the window/glass to line up, I’m asking if the HUD display can be moved in order to line up with the pilot’s eye line not the other way around

I was on the Midway in 2020, there is no longer a top gun painted F-14 there

F-14 B Natops Manual Pages 22-00 – 22-20?? Hud System explained there, with pictures. You can find NATOPS at: U.S. Navy NATOPS F-14 Tomcat Flight Manuals | Public Intelligence

The controls you want are Center VDI, lower Right Side, HUD TRIM CONTROL and VDI Trim Control, both of which are INOP in the plane. I checked. Now, it may be, they will be made operable now that we need them to work for size of pilots, and angle we see the HUD.

In case anyone was curious, the F-14D in X-Plane 12 has a different system and is controlled, and the display is done different. Again, the NATOPS for the “D” model is online and can be downloaded at the above link or search for it. It appears that the HUD is an adjustable (Plexiglas plate) which is movable. At least that is the way it appears. Again, control of the angle is adjustable, but the process is very in-depth and did not take time to read all there is on it. As I sit in either model, I have no issues seeing the HUD. If, flying into the SUN, it is hard to see the HUD, so I try to adjust my approach, etc. not directly into sun.
Happy Flying.


It would be great if the HUD TRIM CONTROL and VDI Trim Control can be made operable, that will make a huge difference in the sim :smiley:

All - Think Asobo has to enable that button assignment. Associated thread about “Settings in Sim” should be plane specific and not a real long complicated list of things to be setup, then I could use the switch for landing gear now modeled for something else if flying glider for instance. Also plane developers would then be able to enable all the buttons/switches in their planes for users.

Search for the thread, it’s got lots of votes.

Hi Dean, Its been a while. I noticed after the last update, on 2 occasions now when on approach to land, the glide slope seems not to be working right. On both occasions once that diamond hits the spot, I commence descending and on both occasions, the aircraft has descended to much, even though it tells me that I have connected to the G/S and each time I’ve had to switch off AP in order to climb to recapture with the GS. Happened with both F14A and B. Is this a known issue or something new?

I was referring to the velocity vector on the HUD and its position relative to the horizon line of the HUD.
The horizon line of the HUD compared to the actual horizon is adjustable in real life, but I haven’t checked in MSFS. However, this is not the problem here.
The velocity vector position is wrong, that’s the problem :slight_smile:

I have a new problem with the Tomcat, and I would like to know if it’s a bug or a mistake I made ?

=> yesterday I did some test flights to try to land on the moving carriers (the ones that are shown as PIO when searching for “Topgun” on the main menu map). Each time I land on the carrier, the aircraft kind of bumps and raises its nose, which detachs the hook from the wire…

I am landing around 150 knots, approaching around 160. I think I’m too heavy to land, because normal speed should be around 130 knots, right ? Would that be the reason for that strange behavior at touchdown ?

Question for the group. What did I do wrong now and how do I get my pilots back? Thanks!!!

BTW: The 4090 card is AWESOME!!


right side console, near the landing lights, if you use the checklist it comes under pedestal lighting, cick the eye icon and it will highlight it for you


Thanks!! I’ll try that out.

Update: I found it under “crew visibility” R side just above and to the R of “Canopy Lock Switch”

How do I turn off ACFS please? Want to get butt wild with the jet so need to toggle that off.

I’m on Series X,thanks! :smiley:

Edit: Never mind, figured it out!

ACLS - what does this do? It’s on the right front panel and currently set to off.

Yeh, I’ll say! Look at the beautiful transitions of blue in the sky and oceans. No banding… All dreamy and everything… Lol

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From todays flight.
Took the F-14B out for a spin. Miramar MCAS to JFK with only one in-flight refueling.