DC Designs F-14A/B Tomcat Announcement & Discussion

A few folks have asked for the Tiger Moth, and I actually have flight time in one so it would definitely be a possibility, but I was sure I’d heard somebody else was already working on one…


You did a great job with the Stearman, so I know that if you do ever decide to do the Tiger, you would do it justice. Do you see any other vintage aircraft as part of the DC Designs lineup in the future? Hmm…I’m getting off topic here I guess…


Future vintage ( or warbird really ) launches planned are the P-47 Thunderbolt ( payware ), P-61B Black Widow ( freeware or donation ware ) and maybe a T6 Texan ( Harvard, payware ). No firm dates set for any of them, but all will be in 2022 somewhere.


SNJ, too, with working tailhook and a carrier? All for $2.50


Ok, maybe a little more than that.

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PLEASE don’t forget the F16 !!! :grin::airplane::partying_face:


And the F-4 Phantom II … please! :crossed_fingers: :innocent: :crossed_fingers:


All - I for one am looking forward to this plane, was in USN, saw this wonderful plane many, many times. Seeing one takeoff is a joy words cannot describe. I was in Aviation Training in Navy and knew several officers who went on to fly this bird. I am so looking forward to getting this plane in MSFS, why.

  1. The plane will work, as designed, with no gotchas while flying it.
  2. The AP will work, albeit old technolagy, but it will work, unlike the present mess of the AP’s in all the planes in MSFS.
  3. It’s hoped that if this is successful, and they do other planes. i’m hoping for the C-17, VIrtavia wants to sell or lease their code to be converted to MSFS so I am sincerely hoping they take on that bird. In FSX it’s the best plane to fly period, loves to stay in the air, easy to land, easy to navigate for all types of conditions, excellent Reverse Thrust, can land short and take off short. In the air normal load at 135kias. Please build this one, need an investment, interested.
  4. We can hope other planes are also done and introduced. F-4, F-16, C-5; C-141, and the P-51, for some ideas. No, I do not want MSFS to become a military simulator, but, to say, you have flown a sim with these birds in them well, I want them for those rights just to brag. Not the real thing, but close, very close.

Go DC Designs you got my vote. Waiting for 19th.


Thanks Dean, lots to look forward to there!

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a Mirage 2000 would be great !

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I believe the F-16 is being done by Dean’s brother.


Anthony Lynch made a beautiful Tiger Moth for FSX back in the day - probably one of the top 3 freeware planes ever made for that sim…hoping he will make a new one for MSFS. Free or Payware it would be VERY popular


“the trophy for the alternates is down in the ladies room”…Iceman

apologies for the non-sequitur Top Gun quote…

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Awesome as well !!

MFS Is a Flight Simulator,so,what ever can fly and someone is willing to make it happen,it is more than welcome to BE BOUGHT !:clinking_glasses::1st_place_medal::ok_hand:
I am sick and tired of all those freewares/ports from MFSX with airbus sounds etc.


He also made an even better payware version for FSX and P3D. On YouTube Into The Blue has a video where he flies the classic freeware version using that legacy importer tool for MSFS and in the comments someone who said they helped test the payware version said that Ant is working on a native MSFS Tiger Moth. I really hope he is as the version for the old sims was one of my favourites.


Looks pretty sweet! Not full study level (ala DCS) but pretty decent and ‘serious’ enough to enjoy using it in MSFS


If you want high fidelity fighter jets and to use them in a combat scenario then DCS is your sim.

FS2020 can’t compete in this area but i’m not even sure it should try.

I bought the DCS F18. It probably took me about 3 months to understand the systems and to become effective in it in military scenarios (would FS2020 purchasers actually want to spend 3 months learning it?). This would not be even possible in FS2020 where weapon destruction is not even allowed. A faithful representation of an F14 is therefore not even possible in FS2020. The best we could hope for would be an F14 with some systems but not all faithfully reproduced. Even in a best case scenario a FS2020 F14 won’t have anything like the fidelity of the DCS version.

As long as we understand this as customers, however, I don’t see much of a problem. Maybe see it as a light version? Fun can still be had. I think that believability, as much systems/flight model fidelity as possible and good fps are sensible things to strive for in FS2020 when making military aircraft. I think that Milviz for example achieved a great balance with the Corsair and that is one of only four aircraft that I now fly despite having a lot of aircraft in my FS2020 premium version. The same could also be achieved here hopefully with the F14.


I think for me, the F-14 iks that the plane will fly correctly, it will navigate correctly, the systems in it that are active will operate as they should. Presently, to this day, cannot get lights in 747 to operate using mouse or keyboard. Everyone says, VNAV works in it, but in mine it does not. This has been a year in the making and still dont work. So having a plane, which just operates correctly, flys correctly, is a HUGE upside for me. I don’t want to shoot rockets, take out tanks, or kill other planes. I want to be able to get into this sim and plan a flight, point a to b and have the navigation system do that plan just like I set it up. Currently not ONE plane in this sim is capable of that, part of that is plane dynamics, part of that is the ATC/NAV in the sim. DC Designs knows the gotchas in the sim and hopefully has made accomodiations accordingly. I hope they implemented the TACAN, but not deal killer if no. The plane will not fly like real bird, but not many ex f-14 pilots on this sim anyway. 95% are wanna bees. F-14 comes with manual, gonna read it, print it out, have as desk reference. In real navy, NATOPS (Naval Aviation Training Operations Precedures) manuals were issued to pilots, they were required to know that thing front to back, top to bottom, and were tested on contents monthly, I know was in two different naval squadrons, Studen Control Officer in one. RTFM.

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I’d love to see a decent F-16 in the sim. Personally its always been my favourite fast jet with the F-15 and F-14 not far behind.

Look forward to it.


Unfortunately, FS does not support TACAN frequencies