Denarq Twin Beech - Beech 18 improvements mod. New Update 1.5 is out

There a file available from the duckworks discord channel

I could have sworn this model had functioning windscreen wipers. Did the mod remove them? Am I blind? Does anyone know how I turn these things on?

Help appreciated!

yes it have,and still work :+1:

workĀ“s great for me,
but i think the outside sound wat comes with the plane i like more.
inside sounds great now

ThankĀ“s for doing this Mod,
cheers Ralf

Whereā€™s the switch, though?

at right side from starter

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Sorry,sound for me destroy this wonderfull modā€¦outside is horrible now on my system.
i switch back to the old sound now,so all ok :+1:

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Thanks. I guess I am blind.

The sound of the air movement does overwhelm the sound of the engines in external view. I think I like the new version a bit more but would still like to hear the rumble of the engines. Maybe drop the sound of wind a touch and raise engine noise?

It was mentioned by a dev in another thread that there is a bug in the sim and air/wind noise is based on TAS rather than IAS (because it will drop of the pitot is iced over). Therefore the wind noise may become excessive at higher altitude and (ground)speed.


Right now I also prefer default exterior sound much more than mine. I just put them there a placeholder so we can use my interior sound and not have a silent plane from outside. from change log:
ā€œ-New engine, landing gear and flap sounds.
For now, only inside cockpit sounds are finished. Outside sounds are very raw and will be developed in the next update.ā€

This being said, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve an option to use default sounds. I really understand that when we donā€™t have an high-end sound (like mine :blush:) sound preference is very personal. Even my interior sounds arenā€™t even close to some amazing sounds that other planes have, but unfortunatly IĀ“m afraid that my skills on that are very limited.


Just had a quick flight of the update.

Thank you so much for the castering tail wheel! :+1:

Just a quick question, did you alter the flight model (or was it just the live weather making it seem different)? Before it would sit really nicely in level flight (a lot more realistic), this flight it seemed to climb and dive randomly. Could just be the turbulence.

ps. absolutely loving the interior sounds (I only fly VR, so never go outside)

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Agree with exterior sounds being a bit painful. Iā€™ll have to see how to put default sounds back in.

I also found that the oil shutters had minimal effect on oil temps. Is that to be expected? Fully open or closed it still sat in the dark green range during cruise.

@AlexBap8588 I think I found a bug in the sounds department. The sounds get louder when opening the left window in the corner and the window on the right side, but not if I open the window on the left.

I absolutely love this mod. Thank you very much. For the sake of playability would it be possible to have a ā€œshortcut/optionā€ for faster heating up the engines? I dont have allways the time to sit for 12+ minutes on the tarmac or the runaway. Love the castoring wheel and the general handling very much. Keep it up the good work.

So does the Beech 18 has an option to remove the GNS530?

The oil bypass levers do exactly this


Thanks for the tip. Must have missed that :blush:

yes, this had already been mentioned in

The truth is, I didnā€™t even know this window existed. I always use the small one on the left.
This is an easy fix and should be corrected on next update.

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I didnā€™t do anything regarding oil shutters other than enable them. The way they work is hardcoded in msfs. But if you use some simvar watcher you can notice than once enabled, they do change temperatures.
This being said, oil temperature is going to be adjusted in next update. Nothing major but a small increase not only in temperatures, but also how fast temps change.

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