Disable logo movies at start up (which takes long enough already)?

What I really HATE is the need to “press any key”! What’s the point for that? Could asobo remove that absurd thing?


If you bought the Win10 Store version, create a new shortcut on the desktop:
cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch


To Berndt73
Remove “quote” on -FastLaunch work better
cmd.exe /C start shell:AppsFolder\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App -FastLaunch
Great thanks “adopted”


can someone point me to where I can find FS 2020. I bought the store version but only see it in start up.
Running Win 10

Just point the shortcut to “any” file. It doesn’t have to point to the flightsim exe, which BTW is in a protected folder under Program files \ WindowsApps \ Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe

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Not sure I understand .I thought a shortcut was to the program itself.
Not computer savvy, just want to try and get it to load faster without all the prestuff if I can

I got it

that’s the ANY KEY to you!

one of these days I am going to assign that to a key

Seems I have to press all the keys before anything starts

can confirm this works! Bedankt

first flight and i couldn’t find The Dom in Utrecht :((

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-FastLaunch X-Box App / Store

  1. Create a new link for W10 Desktop
  2. insert:
    cmd.exe / C start shell: AppsFolder \ Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe! App “-FastLaunch”
  3. Hit Next and replace cmd.exe with example FS2020_Fast
    4 Hit Done / Finish
    Have Fun my Frends :slight_smile:

Edit: we already had it above, but still

It doesn’t work to me. I click the link but nothing happens. Any idea?

If you have pinned MSFS to the taskbar the link wont work properly and will just start as normal. Create a new shortcut with steam and it should work then.

I have the xbox/store version. I create a new shortcut but nothing happens. The sim doesn’t start at all.

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Whats your average loading time with and without the shortcut?

40 second difference.

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You people need to plan you day better if your getting obsessed over saving maybe 1 minute of time.

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Am I the only one who read “Lego movie” and got quite puzzled?

Couple of suggestions. If / when the “press any key” is removed, have the load sequence start right away as soon as the sim is launched; if the logos are required, run the videos in the foreground with the launcher running the back. Also would be good if the sim was more verbose during startup load (similar to what is shown during updates).

Press Any Key when prompted.

Go and make coffee.