Discussion: Patch Version

Lol, I uninstalled it, it won’t update to the new patch no matter what I do. In my 35 years of gaming I’ve never seen so much amassed failure in one piece of software.

Good Job ASOBO !!! this helps, is not perfect but good improvment !!! thanks…

Fantastic patch! Small and efficient.
Thank you Asobo!

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THE FUN IS BACK!!! Thank you MS, Asobo and the rest of you!!!

Worse case for me was NYC area. Prepatch was a stutter fest at around 8 to 12 FPS.
After this patch at 1440 almost all Ultra, Rendering at 100 averaging 30FPS with an occasional mild stutter. Remember, NYC is a pretty tough sim location. I believe this is the best I’ve ever seen!!!

You people Rock (again, lol!!!).

Have a great weekend!!!

R75800-AMD RT5700XT-32GB 3200


I rebooted and now am on My performance is back to what I was enjoying prior to SU3. I never lost confidence that you would get this done. You can see this from all of my posts. Just wish you had given a daily update to us. But, Great Job! Big high five to development team. I will be flying again.

Thanks Guys!!


Well done Asobo/MS on the hotfix.

Thank you Jorg, Seb, Martial


Much better at Klax, thankyou asobo. Getting up to 60 fps now

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That’s what I get, seems smooth to me, and I am on a much higher resolution and same cpu as you.

Thank you for your kind recommendation. I’ll contact Asobo and ask for a constructive refund of my investment.

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Very Interesting… On a side note the Longitude, for me, is no longer fish-tailing back and fourth. Earlier today it was. I think they may have tweaked it.

Keep topics on MSFS and not on each other.


He did, on a different thread :joy:

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from inside?

So for me personally, my homebase airport EDDL still klills near half of performance 23fps on ground, ~40fps in air (High settings)… but yes. Something changed with the patch. For some more, for some less. We all should appreciate it. Have a nice Weekend in the skies, aviators! :man_pilot: :slight_smile:

About 30 fps and smooth.

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Reporting noticeably good improvement, I don’t have a baseline, but the frame rate increase was definitely not subtle.

Really good improvements. I’m getting 40+ fps running 4K High settings.

Flying the 787 from EDDF to CYYZ, and I had 30+ fps taking off from EDDF! In cruise with live weather (lots of pretty clouds), I’m getting 40+ fps.

Ryzen 5600x, 3070, 32GB RAM, NVME storage.

Finally feels like MSFS is using my hardware properly.

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This approach - 27L/9R at Melbourne International (KMLB) was exhibiting the low FPS airspace problem last week. Smooth as silk now all the way past the Outer Marker.

Another poor FPS area was the city of Torino, Italy. I had to restart my World Tour’s Paris to Naples leg three times until I realized what was going on, and bypassed it by flying over Monaco instead. Seems to work okay now.

I’ll have to check around the North End of HECA, I was getting low frames there, but I’m wondering if that has to do more with the G3000 having to handle one-offs (i.e… loaded an approach, it’s forcing a U-turn so I did a Direct To to the IF).

I have after the Update the stutters like before. i dont know why but when it runs smooth at all from you i think it might a issue from my system?

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I can’t test thoroughly right now but I just updated and went to the menu and the animation speed aka fps was blazing fast. will test more later but can we have the PMDG 737 or a Simcoders REP pack in the next update/patch?