There are some “ground” related changes:
* Reduced ground effect on all 3 airliners from 25% to 10%
* Added a new parameter to control the collision between the CFD and the ground and adjust the CFD generated ground effect
Specifically for the G1000 172, which haven’t flown yet:
### Cessna 172 Skyhawk G1000
* Adjusted new ground collision parameters to improve ground handling in cross wind and at high speeds
* Added new parameters to [FLIGHT_TUNING] section to control if and at what speeds the crosswind effect is cancelled out on ground. Removed all crosswind cancellation on the aircraft
But I observed oddity in the steam 172.
The G1000 model, with CFD enabled, has these two settings in flight tuning:
ground_crosswind_effect_max_speed = -1000
ground_crosswind_effect_zero_speed = -1000
According to the SDK, “-1000” configures crosswind to never be cancelled out.
The steam 172, without CFD, has some additional settings to those above:
ground_crosswind_effect_max_speed = -1000 // feet per second, default is 80
ground_crosswind_effect_zero_speed = -1000 // feet per second, default is 5
ground_high_speed_steeringwheel_static_friction_scalar = 1.0
ground_high_speed_otherwheel_static_friction_scalar = 1.0
I wonder if the steeringwheel static friction option is the one that is making it so hard to turn in a crosswind at faster taxi speeds. I have no issue when taxiing for takeoff, and I had no real issues with a crosswind landing. But as I slowed down to exit the runway, I had full right rudder, and was barely turning until I slowed down further.