Discussion + Poll: Sim Update V (

Thank you for the reply :slightly_smiling_face:

Update took about an hour and half. I also had to restart the game twice before it started the download was getting some weird message about not having the require packages and telling me to re login. Took about 45 minutes for main 40gb download and a little over 30 minutes to get the 23gb or so from the market that had been updated. Download averaged about 150mbit on a gigabit connection.

Performance is a little better but not the 50% some people are seeing. More like about 15-20% better for me, but generally more stable fps and feels much smoother. Havenā€™t tried VR yet.

I have mixed feeling on the new lock interaction system. The pop ups are a little too big and obtrusive and I found manipulating dials by moving the mouse left/right to be too fiddly, but I kind of like the idea of it just the implementation could use some work. Also I had to switch to the new default mouse profile in the control settings since it has new binds that are needed to use the new interaction system.

I havenā€™t noticed any issue with gamma/exposure that some are reporting. Just as a point of information Iā€™m playing in SDR, havenā€™t tried HDR yet.

I also didnā€™t notice the clouds looking any different, but I wasnā€™t really looking that closely.

I have seen the pop in when changing camera views, but not while panning the camera. The main pop in that bothers me is the reflections since they are the biggest change and the slowest. Everything else renders in about 200ms or so.

The game loads so much faster. Both initial boot and loading into a flight. I ended up jumping back into the game several times last night to check on things people were posting about and this was the first time that loading into the game didnā€™t feel like a hassle.

I was experiencing something similar but I couldnā€™t even get to the point of starting the engine without a crash back to the desktop. In my case, the solution was in my Content Manager. All the World Update updates, which had seemed to go smoothly and completely earlier in the day, were listed as only being partially installed (I have no clue what that could even mean, seems rather like being, say, partially pregnant). So I selected and updated them again, closed and reopened MSFS and that fixed it. When this new update works, it works exceedingly well but this update seems to have a lot more problems w the installation than those previous.

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And clearly itā€™s working for you

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My previous installation was working near perfect, now since the SU5 update, performance is so bad the sim is not usable.

About every 30 seconds the sim stalls (locks up) for about 10-13 seconds, then releases. I monitored the GPU and noticed it runs at 92% until the sim locks up and then goes to 1%, then resumes to 92% until the next stall.

Performance does seem good in between stalls.

CPU utilization is nominal, graphic settings are Medium using a GTX-1660 Super.

I donā€™t get it. All I want to do is fly.

I wouldnā€™t say that X-Plane is a disgrace. It was great in its day

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Now suddenly the flaps in GA aircraft are stuck most of the time.
When I try to move them up or down they just return to their starting position.
I thought something has messed up my controller settings, but I couldnā€˜t find anything.
Once airborne they were suddenly controllable again after a while.
In my next flight the same again, so I gave up for today.

Well I dont VR so I can address that issue. I know that I can fly all day now it looks alright for the most part. Considering Ive been 7 months with a something reliable to fly and had to resort to buying Xplane to satisfy my desire, I can live with it for now.

Weā€™ll have to wait and see if they can make it better or not. Only time will tell.

Same here. And the sim crashes from time to time. It didnā€™t happen before.

One more time. No coral reefs and wrong tropical water colorsā€¦ Again!

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Thanks for your willingness to help. I gave up. I uninstalled MSFS, and now reinstall it. Fortunately, I have all the add-ons in a separate folder, because I use MSFS_AddonLinker.

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Look what they did MFS2020 after update in 2021 : https://forums.flightsimulator.com/uploads/default/original/4X/a/a/5/aa54ae9a5bf2e395627b6b400c4b3404295cef2b.jpeg ā– ā– ā–  is that ?

FSX in 2006 : https://flyawaysimulation.com/images/downloadshots/1304-fsxdemozip-22-high-altitude-bluesai.jpg

How can they be proud to have released an update that makes the game uglier than FSX released in 2006? How stupid do they think we

All this to gain 10 poor FPS? Is that a joke ? The most awful downgrade Iā€™ve seen, even Ubisoft wouldnā€™t have daredā€¦


Iā€™m really sorry I couldnā€™t help you :slightly_smiling_face:. I thought for some time about it but I couldnā€™t really come up with anything worthwhile.

Iā€™m hoping the reinstall for you is as painless as possible.

Best of luck :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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FPS seems better for me, but i get CTD more often! Loading is better :smiley:

It works wonders as far as getting games loaded. Warzone and BFV are running great with it on and FS2020 was amazing until this update

Stutters are back and I also black screen inside VR. Looks like the new update on pancake has taken all the resources from VR.

After update:

  • Shimmers on buildings
  • Stutters when viewing outside cockpit below the horizon
  • Every 10 mins huge stutters lasting 5-10 seconds
  • The whole view is 60% less sharp than the previous update
  • Airport buildings have no windows
  • Enabling VR before flight takes extra 5 seconds
  • Clouds have been butchered

FPS is about the same as before


Cant speak for me only but I am always cpu limited. Regardless of what settings I use the cpu is always about 1 millisecond behind the gpu. That means that it is equal if I set the sim to produce 30 fps resulting in about 30 ms frametime or 40 fps for 25 ms the cpu always lags by 1 ms.

This is checked in VR with the oxr overlay. Cpu is 11900k with AB on (2 cores almost running 5,3ghz) and 3090 UV to solid 1875mhz (+/- 15mhz) so hardware is no factor in this calculation.

After almost a year from the release I can finally fly between the airports of LIPA-LIPI-LIPQ without slowdowns and freezes.
Thanks ASOBO

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For all the critics out there for crying out loud, give the thing a few days for everything to settle. There is suddenly this big slew of Xbox users that have instant access to app with just their subscription that are all hitting download servers and then using the sim and overloading the data servers for the immediate future. Everything will slow down for everyone. Textures may not come through. The true test of this comes in a week or so once all the fly by night enthusiastic folks drop back away.

No beta test could have simulated this blast of usage on performance. MS Flight Simulator is a cloud data based program and surges of usage (as with all new releases) are going to give distorted views of what to expect. Patienceā€¦

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Any chance to get an acknowledgement from Asobo on the significant amount of issues with this update? I have been part of this since the Alpha and this has to be the most unstable, bug ridden update so far. Itā€™s really massively disappointing especially for the PC users who are facing significant CTD issues.