Discussion: World Update III: United Kingdom

why has steam not updated the 1.13.16 update yet? anyone know what time steam will go live? also do we delete orbs London scenery?

a similar problem. It seems that there was some update before the launch, but then there was a crash and now it loads as usual (it does not see updates). In the game store, there is new content that requires a dependency, a new version of the game.Steam Client

I think Orbx did tidy up 80 something airports. These arenā€™t big visual changes but corrections to light placements, navigation signs etc. Very much welcome though, thank you Orbx! I think 4 detailed airports were updated including Liverpool EGGP.


Servers are getting a hammering, only getting 1/10 of normal speed.


itā€™s been out for some minutes now. restart Steam

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Itā€™s updated now

I mean, holy ****. :exploding_head:

Porco dio

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my download is looping from 800mb to 1.02gb then back to 800mb

Something is wrong with your sim. 21gb is the update size


Try deleting you ā€˜Rolling Cacheā€™ mate

Wellā€¦ canā€™t believe itā€¦ seems a steam file verification deleted my packages folder, so Iā€™ve got a full 150GB download to do.

See you all tomorrow thenā€¦ :sob:

Posts of sympathy welcome :sweat_smile:


At this rate I will need to get a 1TB external SSD to be able to support this game because my primary SSD only has 98gigs left omg

Does anyone know if this fixes the CTD issue related to addon sceneries with custom ground images?

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@Jummivana Can you update this thread title to include Ireland. Ireland is not part of the UK


Hope Urquhart Castle is doneā€¦ And the Kessock bridgeā€¦ ah the suspense.


Its been known and said multiple times to NEVER verify file integrity with Steam as itā€™ll delete everything and youā€™ll have to redownload all again


This new update was tested for that issue and none found, but feel free to report here if you or anyone are still experiencing CTDs with add on scenery with!


Yep, I learned that the hard way tooā€¦ Verifying the files on Steam wipes all of the install files and only keeps the launcher. So I guess you can take some comfort in knowing you arenā€™t the only person this has happened to :smile:

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I have received reports that the Steam version is now live.

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Nah, nothing is wrong, is fineā€¦ iā€™ve understood why such a huge amount of gb to downloadā€¦
Iā€™ve deleted some unused default hadcrafted airports/default aircrafts and now the sim is just trying to restore them. :sweat_smile: :upside_down_face: