Fenix A320 Freezes With Instrument Pop Outs (nVidia Driver Related)

So I contacted support - and got the following reply:

"Thank you for your ticket. Our team is aware of this issue and is working on a resolution.

This ticket is now being closed to avoid duplicated tickets in our system. If you need further assistance, we will be happy to assist."

So I guess they’re working on it, at least?


I can confirm that I still have this issue with nVIDIA Driver 566.14. super annoying, basically impossible to even finish a short flight and it has rendered Fenix completely unusable for me.

Correct, for now the workaround is to switch back to DX11 (or maybe use the “alternative display renderer” in the Fenix setting page).

I asked the Fenix support team to try the pop-out windows on MSF2024 as soon as they get it since MSFS2024 is DX12 only.

Thanks for the updates, you can still use the Fenix, DX12 and popouts, just need to be on the last good driver which is 556.12

Currently still no workaround? We are almost half a year behind on updates. Is alternative render confirmed to be a workaround?

For what it’s worth, I rolled back from nvidia 566.14 (Nov 2024) to 565.12 (June 2024) and kept DX12 and the problem is gone away. Clearly not a solution, but another proof point that it is the combination of nvidia drivers after 565.12 combined with Fenix updates causing this.
I feel it is fully in Fenix’s court to solve this issue.

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Has anyone tried the pop-out windows with Fenix version V2.3.0.524 (from Nov 24th) with MSFS2024?

I was using this latest version in MSFS2020 and had the freezing issue. I haven’t had it before but likely triggered by me upgrading my Nvidia drivers for MSFS2024.

Yes , I tried it and it works pretty good also with latest nvidia driver release keeping selected CPU as alternative render display in fenix menu

Thanks for the update. Do you know if the deadly freeze is still there with MSFS2024 if you uncheck the “alternative render display” ?

Hi , no I don’t know cause I didn’t try to uncheck the alternative render display

When you use alternative display renderer, do you also check “use CPU” or no?

Yes I also check use CPU

Are you using the latest nvidia driver or 556.12?

Yes. I’m using latest nvidia driver .

Even with the latest NVidia driver 572.60, this problem still occurs as of 3/3/2025 in msfs2020 with DirectX 12 on.

Just had the same problem… I had numerous flights with DirectX 12, but tonight happened the 1st time… Guess i have to say good bye to Dx12 and DLSS.

Just stick with Driver 566.12

Can still use DX12.