Workaround for Live Weather only on first flight: Video Edition

I’ve found with the variety of people from different countries with varied levels of reading comprehension when it comes to written English, not everyone seems to get the same information out of a written piece, no matter how clear it is. And there are people who are native English speakers who just have poor literacy skills.

I figured a hands-on how-to video guide would be more valuable for those that fall into those categories.

As for doing it a bit differently than you, I include the initial step I have of setting weather and backing out and going back. I’ve found that even though I know how this workaround works, if I had certain weather conditions before trying the workaround, it wouldn’t work for me. Doing it this way and initializing an initial weather condition will work every time and “clear” anything they may previously have had saved.

In any case, hopefully this will work for everyone who couldn’t get it to work on previous attempts.

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