[FIXED] Photogrammetry not working anywhere

Sometimes a quick fix to this issue, for some users, is to delete the ROLLINGCACHE.CCC file (wherever you have it saved to) if you have the feature enabled. Additionally, this may be an issue where PG is loading very slowly from the servers (server issues are not entirely uncommon for some unfortunately).

I have tried turning pg off and on, logged out of and back into my xbox account, and rebooted the computer and sim multiple times. I have rolling cache turned off all of the time so that should not impact me. Nothing restored the pg or bing world graphics unfortunately.

Postings here are generally understood “For Me”. Jeesh!


I can confirm that the same problem is happening to me after the hot fix

The same is happening to me since yesterday. There are now large areas of terrain not covered by Bing satellite imagery and have defaulted to generic textures. I’ve deleted my rolling cache, disabled/re-enabled all online functions, but still having the problem. The weird thing is that it’s not everywhere, just in certain areas.

I flew over this area just the night before and satellite imagery was there. Starting yesterday, I get this.

Area near Princeton Airport, NJ. 39N

Hi everyone,

Thank you pedromoraesr for the feedback.
Could you please share screenshots aand let us know in which areas they have been taken.

I’m just gathering here few steps given in that thread to troubleshoot this issue:

  • Remove Add-ons from your community folder
  • Enable “Bing Data World Graphics”
  • Enable “Photogrammetry”
  • Delete your manual cache
  • Make sure your bandwith option is set to your preferred limitation or unlimited if your connection allows it

The issue can be linked to a slow bandwith which results in having objects rendering way after users see them.


I tried the troubleshooting indicated for this but there is not solution, in Madrid case bing maps and photogrammetry loads in some places but there is in other places that dont load

I updated my post with the location. Also submitted to Zendesk.

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Do you mean manually delete the folder where the manual cache is stored or do you mean delete the manual cache in the options menu inside of FS?

I am having a similar issue around North Vancouver, I’ve just made a separate posting in this forum.

Either WU 3 or this weeks Hotfix has caused it i think.

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Maybe the same issue that I have noticed today.

Is there anyone else here who noticed partly missing Bing Textures near LIEO Olbia? Or is something weird with my Sim?!

I was working on my airport, then randomly this square of non-sattelite imagery appeared over the city, i removed my airfield from the community folder and its still there? how do i fix that

on bing maps its not removed, its normal scenery there, theese are the coordinates to check
51,615829, 7,498374

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I can confirm it’s not just you. I don’t have any caches enabled, no mods or add-ons,

More people have reported these missing tiles showing up since the hotfix


I have the same issu with the hotfix that I install today… This is near LFST… we can see where photgrammetery work and where that didn’t work

Nota I reset my rolling cache, and my manual cache… no comment…

Just about to reinstall everything. I will try without any World Updates, no rolling/manual cache and empty community folder. Its weird that not everyone have this problem.

Hello everyone,

Thank you for the screenshots and all information given.
The team is investigating further.


Hello again,

The issue should be fixed now. Please double check areas you’ve been experiencing this photogrammetry bug and let us know here.

Thank you for your help.


And thank you for your help and quick response to this!

I will check as soon as I can.

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Will try it, really thank you :slightly_smiling_face:.

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