FS Crashing on regular basis - XBOX Series X

Yes. A known issue. Do a search for it.

I have an Xbox Series X and it has been very stable , even smoother with the recent release. I currently have my cache off but have also run with 8GB previously.

Your issue sounds like an Airport incompatibility issues of some sort. Have you tried to the base game without the US update? Is this at a certain location or all locations where you CTD? Then others can try it

For the record I have the Airport Enhancement add-on as well as some night lighting upgrades and the Seasons packs and a few more things. Running without issue. I did previously have a couple of add-ons that would CTD the game but only in certain locations. There is a thread about this. Third Party Developers, PLEASE READ

1tb hd. 180gb free I mean.
I read u first post, but you dont say about install only msfs or + addons. And I publish for u all steps to check. Me on Xbox series x too.
Other items in list discussed with other forum users.
Basically, everything that was discussed further is on my list. I hope you have solved the problem

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