FSX Import Showcase

Turn on dev mode and open the ‘user lights’ window, You can type in the coordinates and watch the lights update in real time. It usually takes me only a couple minutes to get one exactly in place. Then, make sure you copy all of the coordinates you settle on into systems.cfg to make them permanent.

Thanks for your help. But it is an AI aircraft. So i can´t use this method.

Pretty sure I found the problem with the P-38 wheels not turning, but not a clue how to fix. When gear is full down bothe wing gear move to the right The picture that is lined up is about half way down and locked…

Can you not make a non-ai version of it just temporarily in order to get the coordinates set?

I have not messed with AI but it seems doable


hello is it possible that bump and spect not working properly in MSFS2020 ?
I have been making spec map and there is not shiny effect on the plane at all

Haven’t played with bumps but spec appears to work differently. To get a shiny surface in MSFS you need the spec texture to be white or nearly white. For a mirrored silver finish the diffuse texture must also be nearly white. Many of my FSX aircraft are set up the opposite way and end up dark gray in MSFS.

thank you so very much I will try it
what do you mean with diffuse texture? isn’t the diffuse texture the colored main texture ?

Yes, diffuse is the regular texture file

so it can not be white!?

Houston we have a problem… Thought I fixed the P-38 but now it goes straight up on one engine then just keeps climbing with no engines. I quit at I think around 80000 ft-Really :upside_down_face:

That sounds similar to Aircreation ultralight, after converting with the latest version of the Legacy Importer. Did you try using an earlier version on the P-38?
What did you have to do to fix the landing gear issue?

Deleted the animation in MCX 1st. It worked once then the plane went wacko. I’m in the process of changing stuff in the .cfg’s to see if it helps.

Not on the entire gear, if you see pics above somewhere they were moving off to the right instead of going up and down…

You can have a white texture, but how reflective it is depends on the specular map applied. If you have a white texture with a black specular, it is just normal white. If you have white texture with a white specular, it is mirror-finish chrome.

yes I understand, but the most important is the spec map

Pretty much got my P-38 99% with working gauges, and lights. I only have to fix the right prop that is turning slowly to the eye, but doesn’t effect the flight.


Nice flyer


These updates are wrecking my planes…

That’s just a model caching issue. Delete the CVT folder for that plane and resync/reload