The major thing is, simulation. These are the topics all sim’s have problems with if there is a limited set of resources, our machines.
Realistic simulations just does not exist, period, unfortunately.
Weather model, it takes a massive farm, just to simulate, and even then it takes time before it can be visualized. Not talking prediction, as that is just pumping some numbers into the simulation. Hence, it does not even matter if it’s current parameters or predicted ones.
So, to make it work in our simple misserable little puny machines (my god, a 5950X or whatever 10/11th gen proc is maybe just a 0.01% considering those farms), a lot of parameters need to be simplified and worked around with. It’s impossible to go realistic, it has to feel realistic, which is completely different, good luck with 90% less data.
Hence the above is inherrently coupled with the flight model. Go realistic? calculate every rivet’s effect, impossible. Again good luck with this limited amount of data.
All the data is so extremely limited, and there is just so much you can do, especially in our puny, but in our opinion beavy, machines.
Again, it’s all limited, which means corners needs to be cut, in all sims. Some are there already for whatever years, and still struggling…
Saying mfs is build on top of fsx just does not hold up. It was build with what was available then (compute power), advancing technology (allthough not different from then but more powerfull and faster, it’s not like we all work with qubit’s in our machines, right?) provides new possibilities. Having a starting point does not say that starting point is defining outcome, because it never is.
That one sim is better in certain parts then others is because of the learning process, we also could not walk when we were catapulted from the womb, we have also not been able to professionalise in parts without learning. It feels like Asobo with MFS are still in the younger ages where maturity still needs to kick in, but they are getting help, just like you and me when learning (not taking marketplace into account, that would i think be a different story though).
Just my 0.00001 cents.
P.S. Not talking about obvious bugs like the CTD’s etc, only the simulation factor.
Edit: Those %$*@$$@ typos.
Edit 2: Added the P.S.