G36 Improvement Project

Yea, sorry for the lack of updates, I haven’t forgotten you all! :slight_smile:

Real Life is causing a delay of sorts into the proceedings; this is what I do in IRL - we take young people sailing offshore to provide life-changing youth development. This year we are undertaking a Round Britain sail with ten young people who have never set foot on a boat! Lots of pre-season prep going on.

On the Mod front, the excellent Bagolu has completed some model work to enable me to work on getting working breakers into the sim; although I am currently up against a sim limitation in how electrical buses are modelled, I think I might have a workaround for that.

I have got several breakers working, and have started modelling some cheeky little failures when a breaker pops if you’re a little over-zealous in turning things on too quickly :slight_smile:

A few more fixes are also in the mix for annoying little bugs.

On a different note and the whole Flightsim.to issue that is going on, I may also need to look into moving the mod from there. We will always post releases on GitHub, and I have a dormant domain that might be suitable.
