G36 Improvement Project

It doesn’t actually change any of the temperatures. I noticed this today. The engine gauges and even the OAT on the PFD are still in celsius despite changing it to Fahrenheit. I’m not sure if this is specific to this aircraft or if it is an NXI problem.

Who and how much do I have to pay you to bring these improvements to the Baron?!!!



You don’t have to pay anything, this is freeware. And so far as I can see there’s no “buy a coffee” link on the flightsim.to page.


I making a joke about the developer maybe bringing some of these same improvements to the Baron…


Yep totally free and open source! This started out as a community effort to improve the G36 and will continue to be so, even as the original team as fallen off to just me. This is our way of giving back to this awesome community. :slight_smile:

@BurningJedi I did look at the Baron, even started getting some code down but the locked files make it very difficult to do; with not a huge return on investment (time). A lot of time would be spent just trying to reverse engineer to a point you could modify it. I decided it would be quicker to make my own plane, the Piper PA-46-500 TP Malibu Meridian

I am super glad you are all enjoying the G36 though!! :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, since the Baron is encrypted it is very hard to make a similar mod. Otherwise I bet there would already be one^^.


For what it is worth, the following items are not being saved in my G36:
Air Con, Vent Blower, Park Brake, None of the heating knobs, Aileron Trim position knob.

I think most of the other items are saved although I probably haven’t tested every last switch yet. Most of those are not essential to normal ops anyway, so if they never save, no big deal.The Light switches are being set with my Thrustmaster Throttle so I’m not sure if they save or not because the Throttle switches turn them to whatever position they are on the throttle, on start up.

Should I be seeing engine hours build up in the control panel?

Thanks and Regards

I can’t find the Working Title G1000 NXi mod in the Market Place. Where did it go?


Statement deleted by author….

Content deleted by author ( as his statement was a terrible lie )

No, you need the NXi from the in game marketplace, just search for NXi or Working Title

Correct. Working Title says specifically on their site:

This package is exclusively offered via the ingame Marketplace – go there to download the latest version.

ok ok ok……you guys are right……in the marketplace is the right one… I mixed it up with the G3000


Suggest you delete the misleading post

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Sadly I don’t have access to the original post; all updates with links to the files have an updated readme with instructions in the post and in the read me in the download itself

I did, and it’s not there anymore. I remember seeing it a month or two ago, but now it’s not there. I searched the Market Place from top to bottom and used the search function. It’s not there.

Where’d it go?

do you have any filters set? It’s there.


Yep, I just found it. I needed to click on the “Free” button to see it. By default, I guess the “Paid” button is checked. Thanks!


Glad you your sorted :slight_smile: let us know how you find the mod

Good Video flying a G1000 G36. Might be useful for the mod. ’

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