Grumman Albatross HU-16/G111 Thread

Grumman Albatross 2.1.0 Update release notes

Thank you for your patience everyone. The big Albatross update is almost here! Since the release notes have been officially published I thought I’d put my own version here with a little more context in places.

Please see the detailed notes below for what has been fixed and improved in this version, as well as known issues.

The updated manual can be downloaded here (if the official website has not been updated yet). Don’t worry about the version number mismatch, the functionality changes are all covered in it.

FIXES in v2.1.0:

  • ATC was misidentifying the HU-16 and G-111 as Diamond aircraft (fixed, they now identify as Grummans)

  • Turn coordinator animations fixed (HU-16 only)

  • Engine Torque gauges fixed (G-111 only)

  • Landing light angle control switches were reversed (HU-16 only)

  • Transponder state on apron cold & dark start now properly set to standby mode

  • HU-16 nose bubble and G-111 side window bubble flickering in external views fixed

  • Window edge blur/refraction artifacts fixed

  • Fixed some windshield rendering issues with SU1

  • Tire animations corrected (they were visibly desynchronizing from the wheels at low speeds)

  • Workaround fix implemented for amphibian wheels constantly spinning while operating on water

  • 2024’s currently buggy windshield rain effects temporarily replaced with a working 2020 version

  • Voltage meter reading fixed when “gen” modes selected (properly reflects low rpm generator cut-out now)

  • Fixed strobe light bulb distance visibility

  • G1000 CDI nav source, frequency swap, brightness and input fixes (duplicate clicks on transponder code entry etc fixed)

  • EFB flight plan sending to G1000 and GNS530 fixed

  • G-111 panel strip light and map lights fixed (were not shutting off fully with master switch off)

  • All HU-16 avionics brightness issues fixed (GNS 530, KAP 140, Transponder etc)

  • Warning light brightness discrepancies fixed

  • Beacon light was bleeding through into the aft cabin on G-111

  • Landing lights may occasionally be non-functional on flight start (Workaround implemented for this but it may still occur, see known issues below)

  • Right aileron trim actuators were not attached properly on the airframe model

  • Propeller blades were sometimes not animating correctly to coarse pitch when in feathered mode (was a visual bug only, feathering works properly)

  • American flag on starboard side of HU16 vertical tail was incorrectly oriented (fixed)

  • Autopilot was not holding ALT and VS properly (fixed, W&B issue and lack of pitch trim authority)

  • Duplicate set of landing lights, stuck in down position, removed on HU-16

  • Copilot and Passengers were not showing up after loading in EFB (apron start passenger loading is still buggy though, sim issue)

  • Fixed multiplayer wing flex issues (hopefully)

  • Walkaround item click spot “fussiness” reduced

  • HU-16 cockpit label fixes

  • Various tooltip fixes


  • All new custom propeller animations created

  • New custom anchoring system created (see notes below, or the flight manual, for operation and restrictions)

  • New HU-16 variant: search & rescue version, with nose radome and medical stretchers (cosmetic only, see career mode compatibility problem in known issues)

  • New G-111 variant: long range (external tanks) version

  • Royal Canadian Airforce Livery (HU-16 historical) added

  • Anchor lights implemented on both aircraft (for night beaching / anchoring)

  • Landing light angles can no longer be set differentially between left and right, but they should show correct angles in multiplayer now

  • Rudder trim total effectiveness slightly reduced, allowing for finer control

  • Aileron drag at moderate to high deflection angles reduced (was much too strong)

  • Nose hatch and upper cockpit hatches are now “exit-able” to a degree

  • Improved smoothness of oil cooler and cowl flap animations

  • G-111 cockpit reflections and lighting improved

  • Significantly improved bow and pylon splash and wake effects

  • Simplified propeller wash effect (hopefully curing the random “green square” missing effects streaming bug)

  • Insects / dirt accumulation on windshields implemented (with custom accumulation code, see notes below)

  • Windshield textures and refraction improved

  • Several minor model and texture improvements throughout both aircraft

  • Several Weight & balance, handling, and performance accuracy improvements

  • Pylon water drag increased (The pylons will react more realistically to wave hits now, causing the plane to yaw slightly, but be very careful about putting too much pressure on them, as hard water impacts can now destroy the plane, just as in reality.)

  • EFB aircraft outline background added to weight and balance pages

  • EFB now mounted in aircraft, above pilot’s side windshield (can be toggled on/off via clipboard, with persistent setting)

  • Cargo stations now available for loading (but EFB is still buggy with these, as it is with cargo loading on all other aircraft. Sim bug.)

  • New clipboard options: Display or hide the EFB and its mount in the cockpit (persistent between sessions), Anchor deployment / retraction (see notes), and Windshield “cleaning / insect suppression” (also persistent between sessions)

  • Pilot’s Guide PDF updated

KNOWN ISSUES (as of Sim Update 1):

  • Water that is part of a TIN (photogrammetry) area is currently very buggy, with wave motion completely mismatched from wave visuals, strange float buoyancy issues, and even causing trim and balance issues after takeoff if starting a flight on water. Operation of the airplane (and anchor system) on any water in a photogrammetry region will cause strange behaviour, especially in strong winds. These are sim bugs and there are no workarounds for them unfortunately.

  • Career mode: Unfortunately it is not currently possible to set up and use amphibian aircraft for any career activity other than fire fighting, which the Albatross can not do. If this situation changes in the future I will look at adding career compatibility if possible.

  • Adding weight to any “cargo” station via the EFB can cause “loading errors” to appear, but it still works. This currently affects all aircraft. There is no visual representation of cargo loads. I may revisit this if career mode opens up to amphibians.

  • Extreme trim inputs can occur after returning to a session after a long pause (in ESC menu, not active pause). These extreme inputs clear up after a few minutes. This is a sim bug affecting all aircraft using default 2020 trim code.

  • Aircraft light effects may fail to appear correctly when starting the first night flight of a simming session, particularly landing lights with runway starts. The lights are “on” from a switch and electrical standpoint, but the actual light effects themselves may fail to load. They almost always appear correctly on the second session start though. This issue currently affects all aircraft, both default and 3rd party, to varying degrees. I have been unable to find a pattern to the failures in loading lights, nor any permanent workaround. The only ways to fix it are using the “toggle all lights” key (sometimes works), or restarting the flight (usually works). If you experience this issue please select “restart flight”, or starting during daytime, and it should be fine from that point on.

  • I investigated implementing some engine wear and tear due to improper user handling, but the new native wear system, while a good foundation, does not currently allow developers to set their own wear conditions or control the rate of wear of individual engine components. If this improves in the future I may revisit this.

  • Fuel consumption figures in EFB flight planner are incorrect, heavily overestimated. It is unclear how it is arriving at these numbers.

  • Garmin G5 screen may flicker slightly when highlighting nearby switch clickspots in certain lighting conditions (this is a sim bug, as highlights should not affect ambient light sensor values)


  • Anchor Operating Restrictions: The anchor is both visual and functional. It will hold the aircraft’s position but still allow it to weathervane into the prevailing wind. The anchor can be deployed by clicking on its hook in the nose compartment, or by clicking the appropriate checkbox on the cockpit clipboard. Retraction can be done by both of these same click spots, or by clicking directly on the anchor rope’s tie point on the nose of the aircraft. Important!: Certain conditions MUST be met in order to deploy the anchor, and breaking any of these conditions while anchored will cause it to immediately retract.

  • Aircraft must be on water of course

  • Both engines must either be off, or be at or near idle power (applies to both forward and reverse thrust settings)

  • Ground speed must be less than 10 knots

  • The nose compartment hatch (the one leading outside) must be open in order to deploy or retract the anchor (as it would be in reality). This requirement is deliberate, and prevents accidental deployment or retraction. This restriction also applies when activating the anchor from the clipboard.

  • Insect accumulation: Insects will now accumulate on the windscreen over time, but only under very specific conditions. They will normally accumulate when flying over land at less than 1500 feet AGL and with an air temperature above 0 degrees C. They will not accumulate when flying over water, snow, or ice, regardless of temperature or altitude.

Thank you very much and I hope you all enjoy the update! If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.

